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e;. ~. ' <br />4% 1.. i <br />The Chairman called for the vote and all members of the Board voted <br />aye. The Motion was declared passed. <br />Item 8: Resolution - <br />A. Urging the Department of Transportation to reconsider its decision <br />controlling traffic count on dead-end roads. <br />The Chairman explained to the Board that at the August 17th meeting <br />with the Department of Transportation, it was pointed out that a change <br />had been made in the procedure far rating secondary, dead-end roads. In <br />previous times, the Department had considered one-half of the traffic <br />count. The new procedure will be to consider 100 percent of the count. <br />This has ohanged the standings .on the priority list. ... ,.. ... <br />The Resolution was reviewed and Commissioner Finney suggested a <br />change to the Resolution. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to approve the resolution urging the <br />Department of Transportation to reconsider its decision controlling traffic <br />counts on dead end roads. <br />(For copy of Resolution, see page 364 of this Book.) <br />B. The Board of Commissioners should consider a resolution either <br />endorsing, rejecting or modifying the secondary road plan submitted by the <br />Department of Transportation. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that Mr. Watkins would join the Commissioners' <br />meeting at 2:00 p.m. <br />C. A resolution of Commendation for Pearson H. Stewart. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to approve the resolution of commendation <br />for Pearson H. Stewart. <br />(For copy of Resolution, see page 365 of this Book.) <br />Item 9: Appointments - <br />A. One vacancy exists on the Chapel Hill Planning Board as Ms. <br />Elizabeth Martin has resigned. <br />Commissioner Willhoit informed the Board that Don Francisco had been <br />recommended to fill this vacancy on the Chapel Hill Planning Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to appoint Don Francisco as a County <br />appointee to the Chapel Hill Planning Board. The Clerk was instructed <br />to inform the proper parties of this appointment. <br />B. Terms of Office of members of the Council on the Status of Women <br />have expired. The Council Coordinator has submitted a list of fifteen <br />names recommended by the Council as appointees. <br />Action on these appointments was deferred until September 20, 1977. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 10: The County Attorney' will report <br />results of his investigation into the question of the County's ability to <br />enter into a street assessment program when no Department of Transportation <br />funds are involved in the project. <br />The County Attorney stated that .the General Statutes spoke of the <br />policies which were made by the Secondary Roads Council, which no longer <br />exist. The intention of the Statutes is that the County can provide the <br />local share of financing of paving projects. Mr. Gledhill stated that <br />since there is a limited amount of money this year for paving projects, <br />the County needs to carefully spell out the amount of money it will finance, <br />and the property owners need to know what, they are expected to pay. Mr. <br />Gledhill was speaking of the paving projects in the Morgan Creek Hills area <br />and the Colonial Hills Subdivision. <br />