Orange County NC Website
r; <br />'~ ~ <br />kE50LUTi0:l It.DICATIh;G ItaTEPlI' "fo Julld ll1-iH G'ffIFF. cQ:r;•rfCS !t: ,".C:C.;L'td J TG <br />OE~:rLOP AtdD lt•IPLEttEklT A PLAt: FGR TkIE EFFECTII~E COIC~ftOl_ O~ tflUfN1k1l1AL 1•l1Sic <br />D 1 S"USFiL SYSTEt•t5 _ <br />4.'H~REAS, Region J recognizes the impact that septic tank failures have on <br />the Crater quality and public health of the area; and <br />tjklEP,f<AS, grhnt funds are available from the Environmental Protection Agency <br />to prepare a plan to develop effective central systems for indivitlual Fraste <br />disposal, including septic tanks; and _ ..- <br />blHEftEAS, such a plan and planning process is necessary to control septic <br />tan's and the problems they cause; <br />_ _ "'tdDr;; TtIEREFORE• IT 15:RESOLVED THAT Orange..,.:' Gounty, :recognizing the. probltm..- <br />"`.' Sept is tank, fa i lures cause, supports' •the application 'af the Triangle: J: COts .. - •'- <br />for the aforementioned grant monies from the Environmental Protection A.Dency; and <br />range :: County intends +iith.other __ <br />IT .15 FURTHER.-RESOLVED THAT-=:-O <br />- "'.°"fected'.cdunties:'in.Regior~ J-ta=develop.and.,implement.a_'_plan.tirhiCFi=will:''~,.:-~,:'-`~_:~_'_ '.. <br />result on the effective control of individual v~aste disposal'systems~ ':~ -' - <br />including Septic tanks; and <br />~_ IT !5 FURTHER RE50LVED THAT Orange Gaunty, recognizing ho~v impprtant <br />Lhis goal is to attaining the Regionrride goals of high water quality and <br />good public health, intends to put the plan to a vote before the full <br />county commission within four months of the time the plan is complete in <br />final form. - <br />Approved this 6th . <br />day of R September. _ s 1977- - -- <br />~5/- -- Richard E. -P711itted ' <br />Chairman - Orange County Board~~of Commissioners --- <br />/S/_ _Agatha Johnson_ _ <br />Clerk - Orange County Board of Commissioners~~~ <br />