Orange County NC Website
c~ _ - <br />G+ '_: ... <br />RESOLUTION OF COP~+IENDATION <br />FO R <br />pEARSON H STEWART <br />~, <br />WHEREAS, Pearson H. Stewart is widely known throughout the State of <br />North Carolina as a planner, lecturer, and advisor in in- - <br />dustrial, environmental and governmental planning matters, <br />and ~~ <br />WHEREAS, The influence of Pearson H. Stewart has touched numerous <br />lives throughout the State of North Carolina and all local <br />governing units in the Triangle J area, and,. <br />41HERFAS; Pearson H. Stewart has been quick to respond to the needs of <br />local .governments and has been readily accessible to local <br />~ ~ authorities to provide needed advice, information and encourage- <br />~Y ~ ment, and <br />WHEREAS, Pearson H. Stewart is committed to the task of offering a helping <br />hand tv local government and performed this task in a quiet and <br />dignified manner, giving freely and unselfishly of his ticr~e and . <br />energy,. and <br />WHEREAS, Pearson H. 5teerart will be leaving the position as Executive <br />Director of the Research Triangle Regional Planning Commission <br />and Triangle J Council of Governments, effective September 1, ,' <br />1977. <br />NOuI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />by this Resolution does recognize the excellent service rendered by <br />Pearson H. Stewart and does hereby express to Pearson H. Stewart, the <br />gratitude and sincere appreciation of this Board and the citizens of <br />Orange County and wishes for him a very successful tenure in his new <br />office: ~ - - <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be presented to Pearson H. Stewart . <br />and a copy of this Resolution be included in. the minutes of this meeting <br />of the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />T!~ . <br />Duly adopted this the ~ ~ day of September, 1977. <br />