Orange County NC Website
u.~i <br />RESOLUTION URGING DEPARTMENT OF 'r'RANSI~ORTATION <br />TO F.ECONSIDF.P. I?'S RATING SYSTEM FOR READ END ROADS <br />LdFiEREAS, The orange County Berard of Commissioners met with representa- <br />tives from the North Carolina bepartment of Transportation to <br />review Orange County's proposed 1977-78 Secondard Road Improve- <br />ment Program, and _- <br />ihTHEREAS, At the said meeting with Department of Transportation Repre- <br />sentatives, a review of the present policies was presented and <br />the Board of Commissioners was informed of a='new policy of <br />rating-dead-end roads, and. <br />5•THEREAS, During this discussion, the Orange County Board of Commissianers <br />again reiterated the need far the Department of Transportation <br />to allow flexibility to property owners who live on roads which <br />are partially rura], in character and where property is owned by <br />.one individual, and where other areas of the same road are can- <br />sidered a subdivision road, and ,thereby hindering property owners <br />1 from receiving road improvements through the owner participation <br />progxam, and <br />_' WHEREAS, The new policy for rating dead-end roads will result in a number <br />of changes to the priority rating of xoads in Orange County which <br />Twill result in moving some Orange Caunty.citizens, who have waited <br />for years to be near the top of the priority last further down <br />the list. <br />1V047, THEREFORE, BE ZT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />goes on record. this date as opposing the new policy for rating <br />dead-end roads, and feels that monies used for improving dead-end <br />roads could better be used for amprove:nents to roads with through <br />txaffic access. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that-the Orange~Courity Board of Commissioners request <br />the Board of Transportation to review their present palacy for <br />subdivision roads and tc attempt to make said policy more pliant, <br />especially those effecting the older s~bu~ivisaon.,roads. <br />Duly Adapted this the 6th day of September, 1977. <br />COUNTY OF ORP~NGE <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />~'' ~• I, Agatha Johnson, Clerk to the Orange Counb'y Berard of Commis- <br />~~sioners, do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true and <br />accurate copy of a portion of the minutes of the Orange County <br />- !. gaaxd of Commissioners' meeting held on September 6, 1977. <br />:'~. `i F7ITNESS my Hand and Seal of Office this the 8th day of September, <br />.. 1G77. <br />{ <br />,, .. <br />Agatha, nohn~onk„clexk^ta^the^Orange <br />