Orange County NC Website
e. Temporary Installations Made for the Elements (T.I.M.E.) Public Art Project at Cedar Grove <br />Park <br />f. Diabetes Self-Management Program Grant Funds <br />g. Land Application of Biosolids Regional Forum 2009 <br />h. Additional Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Funds <br />i. Agreements Between Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, Orange County Schools, and Health <br />Department for School Nurses <br />j. Agreement Renewal Between Health Department, the UNC School of Dentistry and UNC <br />Hospitals for Dental Resident <br />k. Report of Previously Approved Settlements <br />1. State Required Modification to the Orange County Massage Parlor Ordinance <br />m. Recognition of Rebecca B. Wall Within the New Orange County Main Library <br />n. Authorization to Purchase Wall Partitions and Carpet for Phase I Link Center Renovation <br />through NC State and/or GSA Contract <br />o. Driveway Reimbursement to Efland Volunteer Fire Department <br />p. Approval of Proposed Emergency Medical Charge Review Process <br />q. Proclamation Regarding Quality Growth Initiative <br />r. Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget Amendment # 1 <br />s. Changes in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule for 2009 <br />5. Public Hearings <br />a. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Relating to the Required Commencement of Construction <br />Activities for Planned Developments <br />b. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Relating to Development Limits within Nodes <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />a. Jail Medical Services Contract <br />b. Friends Funds To Continue Seymour Center Evening Hours <br />c. Divestiture of County Properties <br />7. Reports <br />a. Rogers Road Area: Cross-Reference of Town and County Task Force Reports <br />8. Board Comments (Three Minute Time Limit Per Commissioner) <br />9. County Manager's Report <br />10. Appointments <br />a. Advisory Board on Aging -New Appointment <br />b. Board of Health -New Appointments <br />11. Information Items <br />• Bradshaw Quarry Road Solid Waste Convenience Center Closure <br />