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s° <br />t~ v:.~ <br />The T4ay 2, 1977 County Commissioners' minutes were reviewed. ^'his <br />was a meeting at which the Board of Commissioners reconsidered the rezoning <br />request of Mr. [gilliams. At that time, :T".r. [+lilliams was advised by the <br />Board to resubmit his request again after one year through the normal <br />procedures. <br />P4r. [9illhoit pointed out that complaints were heard at the first <br />public hearing from residents of the mobile home par]c rectardzng paint <br />fumes which came from the garage. <br />Mr. Ffland asked if in the Land [Jse Plan, adoptes~ b_y the Gounty Com- <br />missioners, was not the Blackwood Station area envisioned as a service <br />community? <br />The Planning Director stated the Planning Department did draw up <br />a proposed Land Use Plan, but this was a plan drawn up fox stud.v. - <br />P'[r. Ffland pointed put that the plan was part of the Land [Ise Plan <br />adopted by the County Commissioners relative to the proposed 2-40".Highway <br />opposition. <br />Dr. Sonar. asked if anyone else would like to speak for or against <br />the rezoning rec[uest of P'!r. [~illiams. Alo one came forth. <br />The second item on the agenda was a request o.f Thomas ?:'. dates to <br />rezone to.c;eneral Industrial from Residential. This consists of a 1.6 <br />acre tract that is located inside of a 6.9 acre tract of f_ Lawrence Road. <br />Mr Kirk presented a map of the Lawrence Road area to the two Boards. <br />Irvin Dobson stated that a general industrial zone could. entail <br />such uses as individual mok~ile homes on individual lots, general whole- <br />sate and retail sales, mobile home sales, automobile service stations, <br />offices, industrial research facilities, assemblincr, fabricating, dis- <br />tribution anc? storage, as well as salvacring anti storage of_ used auto- <br />mobile parts, scrap metal and other used material with storage and operar <br />tion entirely within a building or enclosed by a wall of solid material <br />a~ least eight feet high. <br />Dr. Bonar pointed out that once a parcel of land is rezones? to a <br />particular category, and if the land is sold at some future date, the <br />uses A1r. Dobson had read are what the land. could be used .for in that <br />zone. <br />Mr. xirk read to the Boards a letter from E. Cordon [warren, Jr., <br />opposing the rezoning request. <br />Mr. fates stated that he made and installed, septic tanks for a living <br />and the purpose of the rezoning request is to locate his business on this <br />own land. He stated that he would be willing to make a statement for the <br />benefit of neighbors that this will be the only use for which the laps? <br />will be used. Mr. fates stated that the proposed shoe will be approximate- <br />ly 300 feet from the road and will have a buffer of trees surrounding it. <br />r[r. rates is presently renting a shop which is located about one cruarter <br />of a mile away from the area reouested to be rezoned. <br />Dr. Bonar stated that it had been pointed out to Mx. l;ates that the <br />50 foot right of way is not sufficient, and that P+x. (sates hoc? stated that <br />this is because he has no intention of developing the hack portion of the <br />land. <br />Chairman Bonar asked if there were those present who wished to sneak <br />in favor of the rezoning request. Nv one came ~Eorth, <br />The Chairman asked if there were those present who wisher? to speak in <br />opposition to the recruest. - <br />Mrs. Merritt, a neighbor of P?r. states, stated that the driveway which <br />-M.r: rates is proposing to use would be about 30 feet from her house and <br />the proposed business will be about 200 feet from her douse. She states? <br />that the noise from the machinery and the dust from the road traffic would <br />be a bother to her and should be taken into consic?eration, She added that <br />she had lived in the neighborhoor since 1951, <br />