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,~ <br />of Chapel Hill as part of that countywide model. The task force continues to do this with <br />standards for services and collections. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the Town of Chapel Hill has to approve these standards <br />and Evelyn Daniel said yes. Chair Jacobs said that the standards could be sent to Chapel Hill <br />for review. Evelyn Daniel said that the Director of the Chapel Hill Library was a strong <br />participant in the development of the standards. She said that Orange County meets the <br />majority of the standards, but not all of them. She wants the standards that are not met to be <br />goals for the future. <br />Evelyn Daniel said that the second part of the recommendation is a capital and <br />operational request, which is attached. The task force wanted to go very strongly on record for <br />a southwest regional branch library. There is also a request for some additional money for the <br />new main library in Hillsborough and for the Heritage Center. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board is receiving this as information only at this time. <br />Commissioner Nelson thanked the entire task force for the hard work. He said that the <br />standards are guideposts or goals for library services in the County. The second step includes <br />the budget. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />receive the Standards for Library Services in Orange County as presented by the Task Force <br />and receive the capital and operating budget requests. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Proclamation of Human Relations Commission's Celebration of Bill of <br />Rights Day, Human Rights Day, and Human Rights Week <br />The Board considered a proclamation designating December 10-16, 2007 as Human <br />Rights Week; December 10, 2007 as Human Rights Day; and December 15, 2007 as Bill of <br />Rights Day to highlight the importance of Human Rights in Orange County and beyond. <br />James Spivey said that each year since 2005 the Board of County Commissioners has <br />adopted a proclamation recognizing these specific days. The Orange County Human <br />Relations Commission requests that the Board of County Commissioners adopt this tonight. <br />He made reference to the 2006 Annual Report from the Human Rights Coalition of North <br />Carolina, which was in the packet. <br />Commissioner Nelson read the proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve a proclamation designating December 10-16, 2007 as Human Rights Week; <br />December 10, 2007 as Human Rights Day; and December 15, 2007 as Bill of Rights Day to <br />highlight the importance of Human Rights in Orange County and beyond. <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, on December 10, 1948, the member States of the United Nations signed the <br />Universal Declaration of Human Rights and countries of different political, <br />economic and social systems agreed on the fundamental rights that all people <br />share solely on the basis of their common humanity; and <br />WHEREAS, Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week were adopted by the United Nations <br />in connection with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and <br />