Orange County NC Website
responsible for carpeting. The contract expires in 2008. Commissioner Jacobs said that this is <br />the County's most expensive lease. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that in the spring, the County Commissioners can take <br />the new UNC Chancellor to visit some County facilities as was done previously. <br />Jessica Lee made reference to providing services at both Carr Mill Mall and Whitted and <br />said that they try not to compromise care, and they try to work as efficiently as possible under <br />the circumstances. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the county has principles with respect to space needs <br />and they include consolidating into fewer sites and also getting out of rental spaces and into <br />facilities owned by the county. <br />• Technology & Equipment Ms. Chris Harlan, Vice-Chair <br />Christina Harlan said that she is a public health nurse by profession and she has <br />watched technology over the years. She said that the Board of Health feels an ethical obligation <br />to make sure that quality care is provided. <br />Technology & Equipment <br />Orange County Health Department <br />November 13, 2007 <br />The development of health care technology over the past 10 years has far outstripped the ability <br />of Orange County Health Department to keep at a basic level of adequacy. This is true for all <br />aspects of service delivery as well as data analysis in order to form good policy development. <br />Clinical Technology <br />• The NC Division of Public Health will be completing the customization of a new vendor <br />purchased statewide software for all clinical and home visiting services. This software has <br />an individual electronic health record for each patient. While not a requirement, <br />maximizing the effectiveness for patients and providers will require mobile PC "tablets" or <br />a workstation in each exam and interview room. <br />• At its fullest and highest use it will require the ability to affix and read bar codes for <br />services that would automatically be tagged to a patient record and then billed. <br />• The logical expansion is the purchase of avendor-supported add-on for a true electronic <br />medical record, facilitating the transfer of referral information for patients. <br />• The standard for most dental offices, including the UNC School of Dentistry is the <br />provision of digital dental x-rays that are available to the dentist chair side and become an <br />easily integrated part of the patient's dental record. This would require software purchase <br />and equipment for each operatory. <br />Field Based Services <br />Home visiting staffs are restricted from taking paper patient records into the field. Mobile <br />technology would allow access to "last progress notes" and enable the staff member to <br />update notes in field and begin the service coordination process more quickly. Linking to <br />appointment vacancies could improve service provision. <br />Software that enables Environmental Health Specialists (EHS) conducting institutional <br />inspections in the Food and Lodging Program would allow the final "grade sheet" to be <br />printed for the establishment. It would allow more timely uploading to the state and to the <br />