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Commissioner Jacobs asked if this says that these are numbers that the Board has not <br />approved yet. The numbers are speculative. Pam Jones said that in February the guaranteed <br />maximum price would come forward. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is supportive, but there is some mixing of things with <br />a fixed amount and another amount that might have to be spent, but the Board has not agreed <br />on it. He would like to flag the Animal Services Facilities as something in process. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the goal is to have good numbers, but the further out you go, <br />the less precise the numbers are. The rest of the page is accurate. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification of what projects and dollar amounts are <br />included in this CIP. The answer was that the CIP document was generated by staff and <br />includes projects and costs that have not yet been approved by the Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that December 3~d is way too soon to approve this plan with <br />so much information for them to digest. She said that she wants documentation of which <br />projects and cost figures the Board has and has not approved. Laura Blackmon said that this <br />is only a plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she understands this, but if there are inaccurate <br />numbers in the plan, then accurate decisions cannot be made. <br />Donna Coffey said that this is a living document that is brought back every year to the <br />Board, because the numbers are constantly changing and the plan must be updated. She <br />said that this is the same CIP process that the Board went through up until 2002. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that her concern is that when you have numbers that <br />increase by this percentage from original cost estimates, there is not a good method for <br />dealing with them. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there should be a Commissioners' decision about how <br />the Animal Services Facility is handled, because the recent cost increase for this facility is <br />almost one cent on the tax rate. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board needs to know the acceleration in costs and how they <br />are incorporated, because this has been a trap. He asked what needed to be done between <br />now and December 3~d <br />Laura Blackmon suggested looking through lines 18-79 to see if the Board is <br />comfortable with these items. <br />Commissioner Nelson made reference to # 64, Twin Creeks Park, which is listed as <br />$1.8 million, but it will cost a lot more than this. He asked if there was a projected figure in this <br />document. Donna Coffey said that Appendix A includes the unfunded portion. Commissioner <br />Nelson said that it would have been helpful to have had the unfunded amount listed on the <br />same sheets. <br />Commissioner Nelson made reference to Future County Projects Reserves, # 67, and <br />asked why these projects are funded and the reserves are accumulating each year. Donna <br />Coffey said that these monies could accumulate to a point that there were sufficient funds to <br />build them, or the monies could be dedicated to debt service to build the facilities. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he loves this conversation on the CIP, and the staff did <br />an excellent job. He said that it is dense and informative, but worth it. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested giving these items the number that is indicated on <br />page 1-8, so that it is easier to be cross-referenced. He also said that the project description is <br />confusing about the library on page 2-13. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the County Telephone System Replacement, <br />#25, and asked about the back page where there are no operation or maintenance costs. He <br />asked if this was included in someone's operating budget. Pam Jones said that it depends on <br />future decisions that are made. <br />