Orange County NC Website
money budgeted each year that was not being expended, and she asked Public Works to do a <br />work plan for accountability of these funds. <br />Donna Coffey made reference to pages 1-3, which outlines the County's maintenance <br />projects. This is a transition year of trying to move things around into new categories. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested putting an asterisk next to the part that says, "Need to <br />develop policy and thresholds for what is in CIP versus what is in Operating." <br />Laura Blackmon said that her initial plan was to present this in October, but the more <br />she looked at the issues, the more they grew. She said that her biggest concern was for the <br />Board to see what has been agreed to and what there is funding for. <br />Donna Coffey said that it was important this year, with all of the projects going on, to <br />take a holistic look at everything so that the Board could make informed decisions. She said <br />that she was at a meeting with the NCACC (N.C. Association of County Commissioners) <br />today, and she said she can guarantee that the State will continue to pass things back to the <br />counties such as transportation and road needs. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the next step is to look at future projects and whether or not <br />to issue bonds. The idea of how to fund these items will tie into the local revenue options. <br />Chair Carey said that this is a transition document, and the Manager has already made <br />some assumptions about capital versus operating, and this has been incorporated into the <br />document. He said that this should be provided to the Board in writing so that the County <br />Commissioners can let her know whether they agree or not. He said that it is important to <br />focus on things that the Board has already made decisions about regarding funding. <br />Chair Carey said that it is good to be aware of the operating costs of new projects. <br />Laura Blackmon said that when the County starts moving into the newer buildings, the Board <br />might want to start looking at some of the smaller buildings that are not used anymore that <br />need a lot of maintenance, upgrades, etc. Some of the facilities could be put on the market, <br />etc., so that they are not a drain on the operating budget. <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that the staff were going to provide a written overview of <br />the CIP document explaining the assumptions used and the rationale for what was presented. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the County does have principles with respect to space needs <br />and they include getting out of rental property and into county-owned facilities, and also <br />consolidating county resources into fewer sites. She wants to seriously consider these as <br />guiding principles for planning capital projects. <br />Chair Carey asked what the Board should decide tonight. Laura Blackmon said that <br />pages 1-5 and 1-6 are summary pages on revenues and appropriations. Number 14 is the <br />total projected costs over the next ten years, and in the next three years, there is a potential for <br />an increase of 15 cents on the tax rate. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked why fees go down from $606,000 to $92,000. Donna <br />Coffey said that these are all Register of Deeds fees. The $92,000 is Register of Deeds fees <br />that are dedicated to automation projects, and the $606,000 is a cumulative total. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that there be some definitions for the fees, what the <br />1997 bonds were, what the 2001 bonds were, etc. He said that citizens would not understand <br />this information. <br />Laura Blackmon continued and said that the capital projects are starting on lines 17 <br />and 18 on page 1-7. She asked for feedback on lines 18-22. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Animal Services Facility Construction reflects the <br />original estimate or the new sizing, and if the Board had adopted the changes. Purchasing <br />and Central Services Pam Jones said no, the Board has not adopted the changes. She said <br />that the numbers coming in are substantially more than what was adopted. <br />