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the policy and changed it into an ordinance. The staff is bringing this to the Board for review <br />because, as the staff began to review sections of the ordinance, certain issues began popping <br />up, and there have been law changes in multiple sections. Also, technology has changed the <br />way business is done. <br />The objectives are as follows: <br />• Update changes in state and federal law -include language in the Ordinance <br />consistent with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and Americans with <br />Disabilities Act. <br />• Adopt best practices for specified benefits - develop a bank for shared leave where <br />employees could deposit leave into the bank not only for their benefit but also for <br />the benefit of others. This would allow recipients of the shared leave donation to <br />receive the leave that they require while retaining their privacy. <br />• Modernize the terminology -change the name of the Personnel Department to the <br />Human Resource Department and Department Heads to Department Directors. <br />• Remove items that are no longer relevant -take out of the ordinance references to <br />the Employee Interest Card in Article I and Position Interest Cards in Article II. <br />These items are no longer used -the job line and Internet are now used to keep <br />potential applicants aware of vacancies. <br />• Create a Rules and Regulations Manual -provide for a rules and regulations <br />manual developed and maintained by the County Manager that would instruct <br />department heads, supervisors, and employees on "how to" carry out the instructive <br />language in the ordinance. This manual, and any future revisions to the manual <br />would be reviewed with the Board. The manual would also enable the Board to <br />keep the language in the ordinance specific enough to give direction but general <br />enough so that the ordinance would not become outdated with minor changes to <br />state and federal law. In other words, the ordinance would contain language on <br />what the Manager, Department Directors and other were required to do as it relates <br />to personnel and the manual would direct them as to "how" to carry out those <br />requirements. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to the proposal on page 39 with a timetable to review <br />the different articles of the ordinance through some previously scheduled work sessions. The <br />various sections could be brought back piece meal, and then the entire ordinance could be <br />adopted all at once. It is an aggressive timeline. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey, Annette Moore said that the ordinance is <br />"what to do" and the rules and regulations are "how to do it." The rules and regulations can be <br />changed without the process that an ordinance revision requires. <br />Geof Gledhill said that right now the ordinance tries to capture public records <br />requirements and other state and federal law requirements, and the proposal would be not to <br />do that anymore, but to have the ordinance say that the personnel records are public or not as <br />required by state and federal law. The rules and regulations are the things that the employees <br />would use on a daily basis. <br />Chair Carey said that he has concerns about the Manager making changes and Laura <br />Blackmon said that part of the process would include how these changes would be made. <br />Commissioner Foushee made reference to the Manager having the ability to determine <br />the standard operating procedures would be more appropriate than the Board determining the <br />day-to-day operations. These issues should be left to the staff. <br />