Minutes - 20070119
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20070119
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8/3/2012 9:51:36 AM
Creation date
8/13/2009 4:05:34 PM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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1 not necessarily reflect the meeting. He said that there is so much material that is presented to <br />2 the Board of County Commissioners, that it is hard to read it all. He said that your colleague <br />3 could tell you better than anyone else. He said that staff sometimes makes reports to their <br />4 various boards/commissions, but the Board does not always get these reports. He wants <br />5 information on issues such as transportation. He said that this is the only part of the meeting <br />6 that is not regimented. He said that the comments should not be used as showboating, but as <br />7 an effective time to communicate. <br />8 Laura Blackmon said that she has forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners <br />9 some of these reports from the various boards/commissions, and she does have a <br />10 recommendation for a more formal process for this. <br />11 Commissioner Jacobs said that there should be a place on the County website where <br />12 the County Commissioners can see the agendas for the boards/commissions. <br />13 Commissioner Gordon suggested also putting the minutes from the boards/commissions <br />14 meetings on the website. Also, the Manager's Memo could be posted. <br />15 At this time, the Board took a short break. 10:18 a.m. <br />16 <br />17 Substantive Priorities for FY 2007-2008 <br />18 <br />19 -Review of Part I, "Menu of Board Priorities for FY 2007-2008" <br />20 Andy Sachs suggested prioritizing the levels of 26 issues and then zeroing in on the <br />21 manageable number. The goals could be made from the manageable number of priorities. He <br />22 asked the County Commissioners to pick a subset and then whichever items get at least three <br />23 votes will be moved to the next round. This will be done until there is a manageable number. <br />24 Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification on whether the issues are to be ones that <br />25 the County Commissioners are going to focus on or that the County Commissioners want the <br />26 County government to focus on. Andy Sachs deferred to Laura Blackmon. <br />27 Laura Blackmon said that the Board needs to set the direction for those things it wants <br />28 staff to accomplish to improve government and improve services. <br />29 Commissioner Gordon said that she needs to understand from the staff whether the top <br />30 commissioner priorities should take into account which departments would do the work, so that <br />31 certain departments would not be overloaded. <br />32 Laura Blackmon said that the Board needs to tell her what to focus her attention on and <br />33 the Board does not need to look at departments, but what the County needs to provide to the <br />34 citizens. She said that the operational side is her responsibility to manage. <br />35 Chair Carey said that priorities are synonymous for the Board and the staff. He said that <br />36 there are some things that are uniquely the work of this Board, such as setting the tax rate. <br />37 There are also maintenance and function issues that need to be done no matter what the Board <br />38 decides are the priorities, such as emergency preparedness, public safety, etc. This is part of <br />39 the health, education, and welfare government function. <br />40 Laura Blackmon said that there may be a situation where the Board wants these issues <br />41 maintained at a higher level, such as emergency services. This would become one of the Board <br />42 priorities. <br />43 Commissioner Jacobs said that he has struggled with the comprehensive plan. He <br />44 thinks that things like taxes and sustainability have a wide range of options and require a large <br />45 amount of thought and work. The comprehensive plan has a rigid schedule, but he does not <br />46 think it requires the same level of involvement because it is so structured. He said that having <br />47 the comprehensive plan as one of the priorities could cause the Board to not get as engaged in <br />48 some other things that require engagement to a greater extent because they are not as clearly <br />49 defined as the comprehensive plan. <br />
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