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1 do not want to give up a board no matter what. He does not agree with being able to "rope off" <br />2 certain boards/commissions. <br />3 Chair Carey said that he understands this, and to some extent, philosophically, he <br />4 agrees with this. However, asking the County Commissioners to adopt a policy that requires <br />5 that they give up everything that they have been serving on is not practical. He said that this <br />6 first bullet was a compromise between giving up everything and protecting some things. <br />7 Commissioner Nelson said that he asked other elected officials how they choose <br />8 liaisons, and no one has a policy to "rope" off a committee. Most organizations have a form to <br />9 fill out to indicate an interest in keeping a committee. He said that most of the time people <br />10 behave as adults and can trade. <br />11 Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Nelson. <br />12 Commissioner Gordon said that it was also a compromise between seniority and <br />13 opening things up. She said that the Board could follow the first four bullets, and then allow <br />14 Commissioner Nelson choose two boards that he wants to have, and then he would be on the <br />15 round robin. <br />16 Chair Carey clarified that the County Commissioners each would have two boards, <br />17 including Commissioner Nelson, and the round robin would begin with Commissioner Nelson <br />18 picking first. <br />19 Commissioner Nelson said that this does not solve the philosophical issue. <br />20 Chair Carey asked where to start if the Board adopted this philosophical approach. <br />21 Andy Sachs asked what the Board would do if all boards and commissions were up for <br />22 grabs. Commissioner Jacobs said that the newest member could start and pick one and then <br />23 go through the rest of the Board. If a County Commissioner really wanted a board, then they <br />24 could speak up. Some boards have the capacity for two County Commissioners. <br />25 Commissioner Gordon said that attendance and past performance should also come into <br />26 play in addition to seniority. She said that the point is to have people doing something they <br />27 want to do and be rewarded for doing a good job. She said that she likes to make along-term <br />28 contribution to her boards and if the boards are up for grabs each year, she cannot do this. <br />29 Chair Carey said that he feels that he can make a contribution no matter where he lands, <br />30 even if it is only for a year. He does not have a problem with putting all up for grabs with the <br />31 most senior person going first, and there would be no carve outs. <br />32 Commissioner Nelson said that the problem with the round robin process is that no one <br />33 knows what others are interested in before the meeting. He said that the benefit with the way <br />34 the others do it, is that they send out all information and people initial what they like. He said <br />35 that if it works, then it does not hurt to do it this way. If there is a board that several people <br />36 want, then the Chair can facilitate the negotiation. <br />37 Chair Carey said that maybe the Board could consider two-year terms as opposed to <br />38 one-year terms. <br />39 Commissioner Nelson said that he could live with doing it the way it is mapped out for <br />40 this year, and then it could be changed in 2008. <br />41 Chair Carey suggested doing the policy for two years that the first bullet stays as is, and <br />42 then the person with the least seniority picks three boards, and then there is a round robin. <br />43 Andy Sachs clarified that the first bullet stays as it is, and then there is a new second <br />44 bullet that says that the person with the least seniority chooses three boards, and then there is a <br />45 round robin in least seniority order. <br />46 Commissioner Jacobs wants to do what Commissioner Nelson suggested starting next <br />47 year. He does not want to keep this for two years. If there are two County Commissioners that <br />48 cannot agree on a board, then the Chair can step in and adjudicate. <br />49 Commissioner Gordon said that she thought that the Chair would "facilitate" the <br />50 discussion and not decide. The Board of County Commissioners would decide who would <br />