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John Link will come back with an analysis and a recommendation which will include addressing to <br />what extent we will merge functions from several of the departments. He will bring back information on <br />pros and cons of temporary versus permanent employees. <br />2. TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS AND ANTENNA DISCUSSION <br />This item was presented to discuss possible areas of revision to the tower ordinance to provide <br />alternate review processes and a telecommunication plan to promote co-location and master grid planning <br />as well as information on the differentiation between Class A and Class B review processes. <br />Chair Jacobs said that it is interesting that Class A towers (200'+) must come to the Board of <br />County Commissioners for approval and none have been submitted since 1996. <br />Craig Benedict clarified that Class A towers are 200 feet or higher. Class B towers are 199 feet and <br />lower and six have been approved by the Board of Adjustment within the last two years. He made <br />reference to the map showing the tower sites in Orange County and mentioned that to date there are 49 <br />towers. In some cases the company is the telecommunication provider like AT&T. Also there is a new <br />company called Telecommunication Providers and these are companies that go out and find locations <br />and then promote colocation and process applications. He made reference to the consultant's contract, <br />which was in response to a County Commissioners' goal. He said that Metrosite is still doing business in <br />North Carolina and interested in doing work for Orange County. He expanded on what Metrosite could do <br />saying that they have experience in dealing with other governmental entities. <br />Craig Benedict suggested that maybe the County Commissioners may want to put a moratorium on <br />accepting any further applications for towers. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about fees and Craig Benedict said that there is an inspection fee of <br />$50 at the present time. He is recommending that this be increased to $4,000. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if we require that an abandoned tower be taken down and Geoffrey <br />Gledhill said that the tower companies are bonded and they must take the tower down if it is abandoned. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that 199' is telling. When the County Commissioners revised the ordinance a <br />couple of years ago, the objective was to build shorter towers. The tower companies have responded to <br />that by making applications for shorter towers. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there were some articles the County Commissioners received last year about <br />the towers interfering with birds. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill suggested that the County Commissioners focus on how the County <br />Commissioners want to proceed from this time forward. <br />John Link asked if this moratorium item could be added to the quarterly public hearing in February <br />with the ordinance to come back in August and Craig Benedict said that it could. <br />Craig Benedict asked if changes to the telecommunications ordinance should be made <br />based on staff knowledge and input from the County Commissioners or would the County Commissioners <br />consider hiring a consultant that would assist with developing these changes and managing towers on <br />public sites. Also, should we bring in telecommunication providers to help with these changes and do we <br />invoke a moratorium while we are going through this process of changing the regulations. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she wants to make sure that we protect the public's interest in all this <br />