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~~. <br />ct ~: <br />November 1, 1977. After November, 1977, the bid will increase by ten <br />percent. P4r. Francisco stated that residents of the area would pay <br />approximately $11,000 of the cost and he recruested that the County pro- <br />vide $10,000 and then assess the residents through the road assessment <br />program. <br />The County Manager stated that the Commissioners have set aside <br />$3A,000 in their 1977-78 budget for the Road Assessment Program. The <br />Commissioners have agreed to use approximately $22,900 for paving of <br />roads in the Colonial Hills Subdivision through the Assessment Program, <br />and this will leave about $7,000 in the fund. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the requirement for the participation <br />program. It was pointed out the preliminary legal requirements would <br />take approximately two months. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he would like to move ahead on <br />this project to see if the deadline can be met. He askec? that the residents <br />of the area attempt to provide the additional $3,000 needed for the pro-- <br />: ject. Commissioner Gustaveson then made a motion which was seconded by <br />Commissioner Pinney, that the County Attorney begin immediate procedures <br />for a participation program for Azalea Drive and Bayberry Drive. <br />All members of the Board voted aye on the motion and it was declared <br />passed by the Chairman. <br />Item 4: Plat for Consideration <br />A. Jimmie Robert Tuck: This plat proposes the division of a one <br />acre lot from an eight acre tract. The owner is recruesting a variance <br />from the requirements for access as he has only a twenty foot .right of <br />way of this property. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Eddie Kirk from the Planning Staff. Mr. <br />Kirk stated that the plat of Mr. Tuck is located in the Colonial Hills <br />Subdivision in Eno Township, off of Lani Drive. The Health Department has <br />approved this plat. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner C^7alker, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the t4inor Subdivision plat far Jimmie <br />Robert Tuck with a variance from the access requirement. <br />Item 5: Appointments <br />A. Youth Services Needs ^'ask Force: A County Commissioners should be <br />appointed to this group. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that Commissioner [Talker serve as the <br />Commissioner's appointee to the Youth Service Needs Task Force. <br />Commissioner CTalker declined to serve in this capacity. He stated <br />that he had not followed the activities of the task force closely enough. <br />Commissioner Pinney volunteered to serve in this capacity. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner [calker, seconded by Commissioner T.9illhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted that Commissioner Pinney be appointed as the <br />Commissioner's appointee to the Youth Services TTeeds Task Force. <br />Chairman [^mitted referred to Item 6: At a joint meeting with the <br />Recreation Advisory Council, the Board of Commissioners agreed to extend <br />the charge of this Council and to consider adding a Commissioner to its <br />membership. ' <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />CTillhoit, it was moved and adopted to extend the Recreation Advisory <br />Council for one near from this date, August 16, 1978. <br />The Chairman asked that the Board next appoint a Commissioner to be <br />a liaison between the Advisory Council and the Board of. Commissioners. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner [Tillhoit, seconc?ec? by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that Commissioner Walker be appointed <br />as the Commissioner's appointee to the Recreation Advisory Council. <br />