Minutes - 19770816
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19770816
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Agenda - 08-16-1977
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r. . <br />~:s ~,, . <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated the Commissioners haei planned to dis- <br />cuss the extension of the Subdiv~sXon ?~ec~uJ.ati.on~ at th~?;x September 20th <br />meeting. He added that this resolution could be part o.f the input of that <br />discussion. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that the Resolution from the Planning <br />Board be received. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman stated that the September 20th meeting would be an <br />evaluation of how well the Subdivision Regulations have worked in Chapel <br />Hill and Eno Townships, progress of the Advisory Councils at that point, <br />and to see where the Board stands in terms of considering the timetable <br />for the extension of the Regulations. <br />Commissiener Gustaveson stated that as the Advisory Councils get <br />underway, the Planning Board and the Planning Staff not put this item -- <br />in for discussion. The original intent of the Advisax'v Councils is to <br />provide input for the land use plan for their particular area. Ha stated <br />that the policy of this Board is to move ahead with the extension of the <br />Subdivision Regulations County-wide. <br />Pat Crawford stated that she hoped the outcome of discussions of the <br />Subdivision Regulations conducted. by the Advisory Councils would not be <br />either negative or positive, but would provide constructive criticism of <br />how to administer the regulations in areas where the regulations have <br />not been implemented. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated his motion was to take the resolution <br />under advisement and to discuss further progress which has been made. <br />Commissioner Caalker stated that the resolution was the Planning Board''s <br />advise and that all Advisory Councils should be in place before the Sub- <br />division Regulations are entended. • <br />Commissioner Pinney called for the question. <br />Voting aye were Commissioners Gustaveson, T.9hitted, Caalker and Willhoit. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. <br />The motion was declared passed. <br />The Chairman referred to the Mental Health Center Project Ordinance <br />which was requested to be added to the agenda. <br />The Finance Director, Neal Evans, stated that the Project Ordinance <br />described what was approved at the August 1st Commissioner's Meeting for <br />the Mental Health Center. The 7?roject Ordinance does combine all extra <br />funds into a contingency fund, which is a safeguard against losing the <br />grant. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that the Project Ordinance be adopted. <br />Commissioner Cillhoit seconded the motion. <br />Discussion ensued. Commissioner C~lalker stated that he would vote <br />against the motion to be consistent with prior action on motions regard- <br />ing the Mental Health Center. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioner Ctithitted, Gustaveson, Willhoit, and Pinney. Voting nay was <br />Commissioner Clalker. '"he motion was declared passed. (For copy of Project <br />Ordinance, see page 343 of this book.) <br />Chairman Whitted stated that Commissioner Willhoit had reauestecl that <br />the Soard discuss road improvement to Azalea Drive, anc~ that the Board <br />would do so at this time. <br />The Chairman recognized Mr. Donald Francisco and Mr. Ed Grav. He <br />referred the Board to a letter distributed by Commissioner Willhoit. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that there is some urgency regarding <br />cost factors of improving Azalea and Sayberrv Drives. <br />Ms. Francisco stated that Azalea Drive was rapidly deteriorating, <br />A bid had been received from the Department of ?'ransportation to pave <br />the road to State standards at a cost of $21,193. The State will maintain <br />Azalea and Bayberry Drives after the paving is completed. The bid of <br />$21,193 is a good bid until November 19, 1977 and the Department of Trans- <br />portation has requested that funds for the improvement be submitted by <br />
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