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CJ ~ .. <br />~~ lV V,., <br />The August 9, 1977 minutes were reviewed and Commissioner Gustaveson <br />asked that a: letter from the Tax Supervisor, Bill Laws, of Auaust 12, 1977, <br />be added to the Auaust 9, 1977 minutes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the minutes of August 9, <br />1977 and that the letter from Mr. Laws of August 12, 1977 be included in <br />the minutes. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 3: Ms. Kathleen Fuller, President <br />of the Orange County Advisory Council for Cheeks, F'fland, Ceclar Grove and <br />Miller Road Communities to discuss Community Development Funds for a play- <br />. ground and recreation area. <br />The agenda attachment stated that the Advisory Council proposed that <br />the project be funded through' the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- <br />ment Community Development Block Grant Program. An agreement has been made <br />with Norman Hester to lease five acres of land for fifteen years to locate <br />the park. The purpose Qf the request is to provide a safer environment <br />for children to play, and to serve as a positive influence for the young <br />people. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson suggested that there may be- other funds within <br />the Agriculture Department far rural recreation which might be a viable <br />approach to go. <br />The Chairman spoke of past experience the County has had with applying <br />for community development funds. He stated that these funds are usually <br />tied into rehabilitation of housing. Previous applications to HiTD have not <br />been granted, and the County decided last year to support the application <br />submitted by Hillsborough and the Town of Carrboro. <br />Other possible funding sources would be through the Plater Conservation <br />Program, Farm Bureau Grants and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (BOR). <br />The BOR grants are for land acquisition and development and are distributed <br />on a fifty-fifty match basis. Funding period are in September, April, <br />and June of each year. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson reminded the Board of the past public hearings <br />when the Berard had spoken of using a portion of the land on which the <br />Maintenance Garage is located as a park area. He suggested that the re- <br />quest from the Cheeks, Efland, Cedar Grove, and Miller Road Advisory <br />Council and the past suggestion of the use of the garage land be passed on <br />to the Recreation Advisory Council to decide whether to proceed along the <br />Community Development yr BOR route. He added that this request should be <br />in the context of assessing recreation needs of several parts of the <br />County. <br />Chairman Whitted stated the Recreation Dix'ector and the Recreation <br />Advisory Council would schedule public meetings to begin in September to <br />assess community needs and would give opportunity to put together a grant <br />application if funds appeared to be available for this project. <br />The feelings of the Board of Commissioners was to pass this recr_uest, <br />as well as the possibility of developing the garage area, on to the <br />Recreation Advisory Council for further study. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Pat Crawford, a member of the Orange <br />County Planning Board. Mrs. Crawford presented the following resolution <br />to ;•Board of Commissioners. <br />i <br />~~"In view of the good start of the Advisory Councils and of the <br />widespread interest from Orange County citizens, the Planning <br />Board reaffirms its recommendation that the County Commissioners <br />not act on further extension of the Subdivision Regulations or <br />Zoning Regulations before the Advisory Councils are established <br />and functioning. And specifically that the County Commissioners <br />delay consideration of the extension of the Subdivision Regula- <br />tions before January 1." <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he would like to adopt this same <br />resolution. Other members of the Board felt this was a resolution being <br />presented'to the Board and did not recxuire any action. <br />