<br />!i V
<br />"2 have gone back and reconfirmed the recommended changes on Tax
<br />Map 45-8-11, Sion Jennings/F. E. Strowd dor a value o£ $7,800,
<br />Tax Map 45-8-9, Valera McFarland, $35,000, Tax Man 45--5-12,
<br />Valera McFarland, $20,600 and Tax Map 45-8-10, Mr. Logan, $22,800.
<br />These are the same values submitted on your fact sheets. The area
<br />shown on the maps submitted by Mr. Jennings as flood way was really
<br />flood-plain which can be used if filled one foot above flood stage.
<br />The flood plain should be priced as other land ($9000 per acre) and
<br />not $600 per acre. We also confirmed with Art Burner the area in
<br />auestion of flood wav."
<br />"The question of who the other lot located beside the Tolliver lot
<br />belonged was Mrs. Argusta Edwards who died a while back. We will
<br />find out who the administrator is and notify he or she, and ask that
<br />they request a refund."
<br />The meeting was adjourned.
<br />c
<br />Ri a t^lhi to , Chairman
<br />William Laws, Acting Clerk
<br />AUGUST 16, 1977
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on
<br />Tuesday, August.l6, 1977, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of the
<br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C.
<br />Present were Chairman Richard P7kiitted, Commissioners Norman Gustaveson,
<br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker and Donald Willhoit.
<br />Other present were staff personnel, S. M. Gattis, County Administrator,
<br />Neal Evans, County Finance Director, and Agatha Johnson, Clerk to the Board.
<br />William Blue was present representing the firm of [ainston, Coleman and.
<br />Bernhols, County Attorneys.
<br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 1 on the Agenda: Persons not on
<br />this agenda having business to transact with the Board should make their
<br />presence known in order that an appropriate time for them to be heard
<br />might be arranged.
<br />The .Chairman recognized Pat Crawfoxd, a member of the Orange County
<br />Planning Board who stated that she would like to present a resolution to
<br />the Board fxom the Planning Berard.
<br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that discussion regarding Azalea Drive
<br />be added to the agenda, and that the Board discuss the resolution received
<br />from the Carrboro Board of Aldermen concerning the use of Lincoln Gym,
<br />The County Manager stated that William Blue, County Attorney, was
<br />present to discuss Southern Bell Telephone System and the EMS System.
<br />The County Manager also asked that the Board `consider approving a
<br />budget amendment for the proposed 'Mental Health Center,
<br />Item 2: Minutes of the Board Meetings held August 1, 1977, August -
<br />4, 1977, and the August 9, 1977 minutes of the Board of Ea__uali.zat3,on
<br />and Review.
<br />The August 1, 1977 minutes were reviewed and Commissioner Willhoit
<br />asked that a clarification be added to one section of the August 1st
<br />minutes.
<br />Upon motien of Cammi,ssioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Gustaveson, the P_ugust 1, 1977 minutes were adopted.
<br />The August 4, 1977 minutes were reviewed and upon motion oQ Commis
<br />sinner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, it Was moved and
<br />adopted to approve the August 4, 1977 minutes.
<br />