Orange County NC Website
This, the 16th day of January 2002. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that a member of the Occaneechi Saponi Nation be <br />represented as one of the speakers for February 1St <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS -NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Orange County Hunting Ordinance <br />This item was presented so that citizens could make comments on a proposed amended <br />Orange County hunting and fishing ordinance. <br />John Link expressed appreciation for Commissioners Halkiotis and Jacobs for leading the <br />discussion over the last year with regard to the amendments. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that Orange County sought and received legislation to make it unlawful <br />to hunt with a firearm under the influence of alcohol or other impairing substances; to hunt with a firearm <br />while having any blood alcohol concentration as measured by an alcosensor; and to hunt within 150 yards <br />of any federal, state, or local government building, including buildings owned or leased by boards of <br />education. The ordinance implements the enabling legislation. The ordinance does not create new terms <br />but uses the definitions that are included in existing laws. The last sentence in paragraph 8 is <br />unnecessary for that paragraph because that paragraph does not speak about impairing substances but <br />only about alcohol concentration measured by an alcosensor. He recommends that this sentence be <br />taken out. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they worked closely with the hunting community in putting this together. <br />They continue to be surprised that the State of North Carolina does not have similar restrictions. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that during the committee meetings, it was unanimous that <br />firearms and alcohol do not mix. He thanked the Sheriff and his staff and the Wildlife Resource Officer <br />for their involvement. <br />Commissioner Brown verified that this ordinance does prohibit people from entering onto <br />private lands that are posted. She also asked if the ordinance applies to the extraterritorial areas of the <br />Towns. Geoffrey Gledhill said that it could upon resolution of the Towns to make it applicable within the <br />Towns. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there was testimony received from a wildlife officer who came <br />across a person in Orange County just a few feet from the Caswell County line drinking beer and carrying <br />a firearm. This person knew exactly where the Orange County line and the Caswell County line was and <br />did his drinking in Orange County. <br />Public Comment <br />Sandy Ray lives off of Orange Grove Road. She said that there is a hunt club nearby and <br />recently two new homes were built close to the hunt club. These are her neighbors. The neighbors have <br />told her that there has been a lot of gunfire around their homes. She said that the hunt club members are <br />killing animals and not taking them. Even though her land is posted, they do hunt on her land. She asked <br />if there are any rules in place for hunt clubs or for owners of property outside the County. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that the laws regulating hunters apply to hunt clubs also. As far as <br />shooting around your home, he suggested that Ms. Ray call the Wildlife Officer because it is against the <br />law to hunt negligently. <br />Ms. Ray asked what is the responsibility of any person who hunts and kills animals and if they <br />have to remove the animals. Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that Ms. Ray call the Sheriff's office and <br />talk with him about this concern. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to close <br />the public hearing. <br />