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9 <br />undermine those rights and liberties by expanding the government's surveillance authority; by <br />allowing the sharing of sensitive personal information with local and state law enforcement <br />agencies without consent or judicial process; and by authorizing secret arrests and detentions of <br />persons not criminally charged. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby resolve: <br />Section 1. That we encourage our state and federal legislative delegations to monitor the <br />implementation of the USA Patriot Act and the Executive Orders cited herein and to work actively for the <br />repeal of those portions of the Act and those Orders that violate the rights and liberties guaranteed by <br />the Constitutions of North Carolina and the United States. <br />Section 2. That we encourage our state and federal legislative delegations to work actively against <br />adoption of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act cited herein and against any legislation or <br />Executive Order that would undermine residents' fundamental rights and liberties. <br />Section 3. That we encourage local law enforcement agencies to continue to preserve residents' <br />freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and privacy; the right to counsel and due process in judicial <br />proceedings; and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, even if requested or authorized <br />to infringe upon those rights by federal law enforcement under powers granted by Acts or Orders cited <br />herein. <br />Section 4. That we encourage federal and state law enforcement officials acting within Orange County <br />to work in accordance with the policies and procedures of and in cooperation with local law enforcement <br />and to not engage in racial profiling or permit detentions without charges. <br />Section 5. That this resolution be forwarded to our state and federal legislative delegations on behalf of <br />the residents of Orange County. <br />This the 20th day of May, 2003. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that one of the saddest days was September 11th, but part of the <br />sadness is compounded when the government is undermining what we stand for and what the people <br />tried to attack. <br />The resolution will be forwarded to the State and Federal legislators. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Program Report on the Central Orange Adult Dav Health Center Initiative. <br />The Board received as information a Special Progress Report on the Central Orange Adult <br />Day Health Center Initiative: Development and Operation. <br />Chair of the Advisory Board on Aging Florence Soltys referred to the report on the Day Health <br />Center that opened on March 6th. There are now seven participants in this program. She introduced <br />Steve Reddick, who put together the plans and is serving as Director of the program. She recognized <br />the organizations that have supported the program. She said that she recognized that this is not to be <br />an ongoing request of support from the County. This will be back to the Board in June requesting that <br />the Board allow them to move ahead with anon-profit corporation. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how people were transported to the facility. Florence Soltys <br />said that if the person does not have transportation, the Orange County transit system is picking them <br />up. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a . Proposed Orange County 2003-2004 Secondary Road Improvement Program <br />