Minutes - 20030520
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030520
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:20:05 PM
Creation date
8/12/2009 2:44:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 05-20-2003-
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and asked what kind of vote this is because the County Commissioners do not have the authority to vote <br />on the paving of roads. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said this resolution arose out of discussions with representatives of <br />DOT and the developer. They knew they were treading in an area where the Board of County <br />Commissioners usually does not go, but some policies have changed. He said that Arthur Minnis Road <br />has been discussed on and off for 30 years about being paved. He said that it seems to him that it has <br />been the County's default decision to protect the citizens because there were safety concerns that were <br />articulated at first by the residents of the road. Also, this road has a connectivity function that some <br />other unpaved roads do not have. He thinks the intent is to try and bring clarity to a situation where <br />there has been no policy. Another element that came up in this was the possibility of the developer to <br />provide money to pave the road. He thinks there should be a policy to address this. <br />Commissioner Gordon appreciates what Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Halkiotis <br />did with talking with neighbors. She said that she remembers that some residents said that if the entire <br />road were paved then it would be all right. She is not quite sure why we need to have a policy and why it <br />has to say, "even though adjacent residents may not be supportive". <br />Commissioner Carey said that this should be sent back for more work to clarify some issues <br />for the public. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested deferring this resolution to the public hearing where this will <br />be held. <br />Chair Brown suggested putting this on a work session to work out what kind of policy is <br />needed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to table <br />this item to the meeting where the Board will act on the Secondary Road Improvement Plan. This is with <br />the understanding that the language will be reviewed. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is no meeting. John Link agreed and said that DOT <br />will make decisions on what is paved or not paved and this whole process is to give DOT guidance <br />about what the Board thinks is important. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked DOT Division Engineer Mike Mills if the Board would have an <br />opportunity to work on the policy before it goes forward. Mike Mills said that once they present the <br />program, they would like to get the resolution then. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the problem is if we go away tonight without having any <br />policy, then there has been no feedback or guidance to DOT. Mike Mills said that if Arthur Minnis Road <br />were still on the program, then they would go back and try and get right-of-way. If they do not get right- <br />of-way, they will not pave the road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs verified that the County Commissioners could request that Arthur <br />Minnis Road be taken off the list, and DOT will not pave it. <br />Chair Brown asked Mike Mills about the meeting with the residents of Arthur Minnis Road <br />about a month ago. Mike Mills said that District Engineer Chuck Edwards attended and he deferred to <br />him. <br />NCDOT District Engineer for Orange and Alamance Counties Chuck Edwards said that at the <br />meeting in March, 20 people were in attendance. He said that they showed the proposed plan for the <br />road and they talked about right-of-way issues and how they affect individual properties. They also <br />talked about some of the legislation regarding condemnation. It was an educational meeting. <br />Commissioner Carey asked what this vote was specifically for and Craig Benedict said that <br />this vote is specifically for when they are reviewing subdivisions and the developer contributes to pave <br />the road. <br />Commissioner Carey clarified that the motion is to defer this to make some amendments and <br />vote on this at the same meeting of the vote on the Secondary Road Improvement Plan. <br />Mike Mills said that they would need the resolution tonight. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this resolution was derived from conversations that the Board <br />had at previous meetings. He pointed out that when the Board further discusses transportation issues, <br />there needs to be a separate transportation advisory board for recommendations. <br />
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