Minutes - 20030520
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030520
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:20:05 PM
Creation date
8/12/2009 2:44:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 05-20-2003-
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6 <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is committed to the safe transport of school children via school buses <br />traveling on secondary roads through the County; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has established aCounty-specific road classification system in the Land <br />Use Element of fhe Orange Counfy Comprehensive Plan that defines arterial and collector roads as <br />more important in terms of carrying major traffic volumes or in making connections between major <br />destinations; and <br />WHEREAS, public roads throughout the County, whether paved or unpaved, are intended for the <br />purpose of providing safe and adequate transportation routes for all citizens and businesses; and <br />WHEREAS, public roads are accessible, and intended for the safe enjoyment of the general public and <br />their service agencies with expectations of a NCDOT standard paved road supported by tax dollars; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the County's interest to promote public safety on secondary roads; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners that <br />the Board will promote paving a secondary road in Orange County, even though adjacent residents may <br />not be supportive, that meets both of the following conditions: <br />1. Paving the road and making the associated improvements address a safety deficiency identified by <br />users of the road. <br />2. The road serves an important transportation connectivity function and is designated as an arterial or <br />collector road in the Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board will support means to advance such projects to obtain <br />needed right-of-way through provisions given in G.S. 136-44.7(c) with the use of developer fees. In <br />such cases, all affected property owners will be given advance notice of potential improvement of the <br />road with opportunity to comment prior to the vote by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Carey asked why this is before the Board tonight. John Link said that the <br />resolution says that the Board of County Commissioners will support paving of secondary roads (see <br />resolution) with qualifying conditions, even though all of the adjacent residents may not be supportive. <br />Public Comment: <br />Bob Johnson said that this resolution seems to take the concerns of the citizens that live <br />along the road on the back seat. He said that this takes away their say about their road. He lives in a <br />recently paved section of road where no one wanted the road paved. He urged the Board of County <br />Commissioners to turn this resolution upside down and say that the concerns of the citizens that live <br />along this road should be a primary concern. <br />Martha Zimmerman gave her time to Fred Zimmerman. He lives on Arthur Minnis Road. He <br />said that he received information on road improvement tonight and he finds this resolution insulting to <br />citizens that live on this road. He said that this resolution gags citizens in that the Board of County <br />Commissioners will support the paving of the road despite what the citizens want. He said that the <br />residents on this road have come before the Board many times and they thought they had convinced the <br />Board to stay away from it and let DOT and the neighbors resolve it. He said that today he did some <br />time trials on this road. He found that if this section of road were paved, it would save him 41 seconds. <br />This will cost the State $268,000. He said that this State is in a budget crisis and many important <br />programs are being cut, but this paving project will not die. He asked the Board to make the citizens a <br />top priority in this resolution. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he does not agree with all public policy, but the County <br />Commissioners' role is to protect the safety of the citizens. However, this is projecting the Board into an <br />area that it does not have the authority to control. He made reference to the vote on the second page <br />
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