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4 <br />The Board received a report on a draft interlocal agreement between Orange County and the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) that would formally establish the upper limit of funding that <br />the Board of County Commissioners is willing to earmark for the purchase and development of a site <br />and construction of a proposed third high school; and to approve a resolution transmitting the draft <br />agreement to the Chapel Hill -Carrboro School Board of Education for their comment and <br />consideration. <br />John Link spoke about the attached draft resolution for review. He said that he is not asking <br />the Board to make any recommendations tonight but to wait until after the budget presentations and <br />public hearings and other work sessions to ultimately consider what scope and amount of money to <br />provide for the third high school. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the interlocal agreement has many whereas statements to bring the <br />Board to a point where it could approve the school project for High School #3 as proposed by the <br />CHCCS Board. Important items to look at are that the Board would authorize CHCCS to proceed using <br />eminent domain or otherwise to acquire four tracts of land that are necessary for this school and that the <br />money would be provided by the County for the land. Most importantly, in paragraphs four and five, it <br />lays out the source of the funds for the high school. In addition, the board of education would commit to <br />pay for any overruns in the cost of the school. The County would commit the $27.8 million and the <br />board of education would be responsible for the remaining out of pay-as-you-go funds. Paragraph #6 <br />makes it clear that this settles any dispute about High School #3 and the purchase of the land and the <br />funding of the school. Paragraph #7 provides a termination date for the application of the agreement, <br />which would be the date when all of the debt service payments from the CHCCS pay-as-you-go money <br />have been made to retire the debt. The last paragraph is that the agreement relates solely to High <br />School #3 and does not apply to other aspects of the CIP. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis referred to the blue sheet and said that at the joint meeting with the <br />two school systems, he thought he heard the Chair of the CHCCS Board say that this school site was <br />only going to be suitable for a school that held 1,000 students. He quoted the letter from Superintendent <br />Pederson as follows: "John, regarding your question on the third high school, it was our desire to build a <br />school that was for 1,000 students, expandable to 1,500. We concluded that was not possible within the <br />182,000 maximum square footage. Therefore, we are designing for 1,000 students without larger <br />facilities to provide for expansion. At the same time, I would say that I don't think the school board has <br />totally given up on the possibility for expansion at a later date on this campus." He said that he was <br />confused and he asked if the site allows for expansion to 1,500 students. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that her understanding is that the site is big enough for 1,500 <br />students but the goal at this point is to build for 1,000 students. Her understanding is that there is <br />sufficient land for 1,500 students. <br />Commissioner Carey said that it is best to ask the school board when they come on the 22nd <br />and to let them know that the Board is going to ask them about this. <br />Geof Gledhill said that everything in the interlocal agreement is related to a 1,000-student <br />high school. It does not eliminate the possibility that the school could be expanded, but the expansion of <br />the high school would not be part of the agreement. <br />Chair Brown asked about the standards for square footage for schools and their expansion. <br />She said that we have always said that we could not expand schools after they have been built because <br />the core facilities are not large enough to allow an expansion. She asked why we are even <br />contemplating this expansion. <br />John Link said that this is only a form tonight to review and to use as an example. He said <br />that they do have construction standards for all levels of schools. The question is what type of school <br />will the County be getting for this amount of money. This question can be communicated to the school <br />board. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the impact of this school on other capital projects and <br />John Link said that Budget Director Donna Dean has given them enhanced graphs that extends the life <br />of the CIP for ten years and the debt service threshold. There are some decisions to be made by the <br />Board regarding how much debt the County can absorb during the next few years. <br />