Minutes - 20020319
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020319
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Last modified
8/13/2009 9:16:02 AM
Creation date
8/12/2009 12:28:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Plant Manager Paul Idarosa said that on behalf of the 720 employees, he wanted to thank <br />the Board of County Commissioners for this resolution. They are very proud to be the 100th Star sight <br />in the General Electric Company globally. He said that this is not amanagement-driven program, but <br />employee-driven. He introduced Paul Taylor, head of the committee on safety awareness; Sydney <br />Rogers, Manager of Shop Operations for 2nd shift; and John Lee, head of the Audit Committee for <br />Housekeeping and Safety for 2nd shift. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Human Services Advisory Commission (HSAC) 2001 Forum Report <br />The Board received a report on the 2001 HSAC Forum. Rosetta Wash, Co-Chair of the <br />Human Services Advisory Commission, summarized the report. The topic was "Poverty in Orange <br />County: The Issues that Remain." The recommendations are listed below: <br />• County Commissioners consider this as an ongoing issue of great importance in the County <br />and that the status of the community is reviewed periodically. <br />• Support for a centralized information and referral system and enhancing the local <br />transportation system; specifically, there appears to be a lack of knowledge and coordination <br />about available services in the community. There should be a concerted effort among the <br />County and private non-profit agencies to utilize and promote access to the information <br />available from the United Way's 211 system. <br />• An assessment of the current transportation system and the development of a plan of action <br />to include an expansion on routes and pickup locations, especially for the northern and <br />southern connections; and a marketing strategy to increase public awareness about the <br />pickup locations. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he was in Washington today and at one of the meetings a <br />comment was made that it was hazardous to your health to be poor. He said that poverty affects <br />people in many ways. He said that he hopes we can make some progress in breaking the cycle of <br />poverty in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown said that one thing she noticed about the report was the lack of <br />knowledge of the services that are available in Orange County. While there are lots of gaps, there are <br />a lot of services available. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that, as a person who has worked in the schools for a lot of <br />years, he is familiar with hungry children. For some children, the only balanced meals they get are in <br />the school lunch program. There are a significant number of children on free or reduced priced <br />lunches. While we are one of the top 10 wealthiest counties in the state, there are a lot of children in <br />both school systems that are poor. <br />Chair Jacobs thanked the HSAC for all they do and asked that they keep the County <br />Commissioners informed on the many issues they address. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. NCDOT Rural Operating Assistance Grant Funding <br />This item was presented for the purpose of receiving public comments and considering <br />approving a FY 2002-2003 Rural Operation Assistance Program (ROAP) fund application in the <br />amount of $96,131, and a FY 2002-2003 Discretionary Rural General Public (RGP) fund application in <br />the amount of $116,684. <br />Department on Aging/Transportation Director Jerry Passmore said that this is continuation <br />funding for which there is a requirement of a public hearing. He explained the programs that the <br />monies would fund. There is a local match for these programs, and the funds will come from the <br />budget. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the Hillsborough inter-city route and asked for an <br />explanation of the importance of this route and what the next phase may include (i.e., Efland into <br />Hillsborough). Jerry Passmore said that there is a senior citizen route that goes to Efland two times a <br />
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