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Commissioner Carey asked if any of the adjoining property owners were approached about <br />purchasing the land, and Rod Visser said that they had not pursued this yet, but they will. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would like to see the property stay in as natural a state as possible <br />because it is in a floodplain. <br />John Link said that he has shared with Durham County the concept of moving this house <br />and he will share with them the County's interest in placing one of the houses in Little River Park to see <br />if they will participate since the park will be for both counties. <br />c. Proposed Joint Grant Application to N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund -Upper <br />Eno Watershed Protection <br />The Board considered submitting a joint grant application with the Eno River Association to <br />the N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund for protection of lands in the Upper Eno Watershed. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil said that the proposal <br />tonight is to submit a joint County-Eno River Association (ERA) application for funds from the North <br />Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund to acquire land (riparian buffers) and conservation <br />easements in the Upper Eno watershed. The objective would be to further protect water quality and <br />wildlife habitat in the critical area of the Upper Eno Protected Watershed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />authorize the joint submittal of a grant application to the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust <br />Fund prior to the June 1, 2002 deadline to include asking the Town of Hillsborough to participate. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Legal Advertisement for Joint Planning Area Public Hearing -April 17, 2002 <br />The Board considered a legal advertisement for items to be presented at the Joint <br />Planning Area public hearing scheduled for April 17, 2002. <br />Craig Benedict said that there are five items on the agenda with only one item for public <br />hearing. He summarized the five items as listed in the agenda -Joint Planning Agreement Amendment <br />(public hearing), Joint Planning Agreement Timeline, Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, <br />Land Use Element -Orange County Comprehensive Plan, and Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendments for the Northwest Area. <br />Thomas Tempia, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor, was introduced. He will be helping <br />to develop the updated comprehensive plan. <br />Commissioner Brown asked why we do not have on this agenda the area that Chapel Hill <br />removed from the urban services boundary. Craig Benedict said that Chapel Hill has not prepared an <br />item for this agenda. We do need to bring forward what will be done in the southern triangle where the <br />urban service line has retracted by virtue of Chapel Hill's comprehensive plan. There could be a <br />discussion about this item at the April 17th meeting. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she understood that this amendment was in the County's <br />court. She would like to add this as a discussion item (non-public hearing item). <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that item B-4 have two sections with the first being Chapel Hill's <br />request and the second being the issues involved with the adoption of the Chapel Hill 2000 <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the presentation of the Schools Adequate Public <br />Facilities Ordinance. Craig Benedict said that this would be an opportunity for questions and it would <br />not be an elaborate presentation because all of the jurisdictions have heard the formal presentation. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like the presentation to include the school membership and <br />capacity information and the key elements of the memorandum of understanding that need to be <br />decided upon. <br />John Link recommends that this information be shared with the two school boards next <br />Monday evening, the 25th to resolve any questions that the two school systems may have. <br />Several language changes were made by the County Commissioners and were so noted by <br />Craig Benedict. <br />