Minutes - 20020219
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020219
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/1/2017 2:33:10 PM
Creation date
8/12/2009 12:20:30 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 02-19-2002 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2002\Agenda - 02-19-2002
Agenda - 02-19-2002 - 1a
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Agenda - 02-19-2002 - 5a
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Agenda - 02-19-2002 - 6a
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Agenda - 02-19-2002 - 8a
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Agenda - 02-19-2002 - 8c
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Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the property is located in Cheeks Township off of <br />Mill Creek Road, north of Lebanon Church Road, in western Orange County. The subdivision is <br />conventional with open space. This is phase I, which will include 12 lots. The master plan involves 140 <br />acres with 65 lots. The average lot size, without the open space, is approximately two acres. The <br />property touches a public road in only one small section. The open space would be controlled by the <br />Homeowners Association. One of the conditions for phase II is that the green space will continue <br />through phase II and into some additional open space in other parts of the subdivision. The water and <br />sewer for this site is provided by individual wells and septic. A payment-in-lieu of $5,460 will be made <br />for public recreation. The Planning Board wanted to make sure that people that purchase lots in areas <br />where the road would be extended through would know beforehand about the road. There is a <br />condition in the resolution of approval that addresses this. Staff is recommending approval of phase I, <br />in accordance with the resolution of approval, which is incorporated herein by reference. Craig <br />Benedict made reference to the fiscal impact analysis that has been updated from the 1997 version. <br />The 1997 version would have shown a positive balance sheet for this project. The 2001 version, which <br />uses new tax rates, new budget expenditures, and new multipliers, shows a negative balance of <br />$14,000 for the general fund and $5,000 per year for schools. Staff will be providing a report which will <br />discuss both versions of the fiscal impact analysis. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the memo from Mike Tapp, which says that the <br />plan does not identify water sources in case of fire. Craig Benedict said that, based on recent <br />communications, the Fire Marshall contacted East Alamance Fire Chief and there are fire hydrants that <br />can be serviced in the Mebane public water system that are on Lebanon Church Road. The staff will <br />be working with EMS to do an inventory and ask each fire department to identify some of the natural <br />water sources and/or fire hydrants. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if all phases of this subdivision were owned by the developer of <br />Phase I and Craig Benedict said yes. <br />Chair Jacobs asked for the location of lot p-10. He is trying to understand the reasoning in <br />having the lot in this location as opposed to above p-4 and next to p-1. Having lot p-10 in this location <br />creates a disturbance to the open space. <br />Steve Yuhasz, the developer, said that as with all rural subdivisions, one of the design <br />criteria is that each lot have a perking site. On lot p-10, there was not enough soil that perked, so it <br />was shifted to its current location. <br />Chair Jacobs asked how payment-in-lieu or private dedication relates to open space. Craig <br />Benedict said that they are not connected. The payment-in-lieu is for compensation for public <br />recreation dedication. Private recreation is not needed when adequate open space is provided. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out the letter on page 19 from Rich Shaw from the Environment and <br />Resource Conservation department, which compliments Steve Yuhasz for designing a subdivision that <br />preserves open space. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the preliminary plan for Mill Creek II (Section 1), in accordance with the resolution of approval, <br />which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Board of Commissioners Board and Commission Appointments <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the long list of commissions under his name. He offered <br />Commissioner Carey the position on the Board of Health and Commissioner Carey agreed. He also <br />asked to be removed from the Cape Fear River Assembly and the Upper Neuse River Basin <br />Association. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the Manager assign staff to attend the meetings of <br />those two commissions as appropriate. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she had been going to the Intergovernmental Parks Work <br />Group and she would be willing to be the alternate for Commissioner Brown. The Board agreed to <br />make her the alternate. <br />
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