Orange County NC Website
5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Regional Terrorism Grant Award Acceptance <br />The Board considered a resolution accepting a $10,000 grant from the North Carolina <br />Division of Emergency Management to fund amulti-county study for evacuation needs resulting from <br />possible terrorist activity. <br />EMS Director Nick Waters said that this grant would allow us to address the issue of <br />evacuation for the six counties that agreed to cooperate in this initiative. Phase I would be to perform a <br />credible vulnerability analysis to identify the threats and what should be done to address those threats. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Nick Waters and said that this was an opportunity for the <br />County to meet the challenge at the local level and not wait for the state or anybody else to do it for us. <br />He noted that Nick Waters was thinking about this two years ago and that it was not aknee-jerk <br />reaction to September 11tH <br />Commissioner Carey said that he noticed that the six counties in the planning area did not <br />include Chatham County. Nick Waters said that additional counties could be added. Chatham County <br />has expressed an interest, but was not in the initial planning process. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that Nick Waters add Chatham County if they agreed. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Jacobs, Nick Waters said that this is related directly and <br />indirectly as a result of CP&L and the proximity of the Shearon Harris plant to Orange County. <br />Chair Jacobs proposed one more "Whereas", as follows: "Whereas, the evacuation plans <br />for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant are inadequate to address the region wide health and <br />safety concerns posed by the facility." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below, with the addition as stated <br />above. <br />A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A STATE MULTI-COUNTY REGIONAL TERRORISM GRANT <br />TO BE ADMINISTERED BY ORANGE COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, recent events have shown terrorist attacks with large-scale consequences are a reality; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the effects of those attacks disrupt normal lives of the citizens and the ability of <br />government to carry out its mission; and <br />WHEREAS, those effects may reach across county lines to a regional level; and <br />WHEREAS, the need exists to be able to evacuate Orange County's population or for Orange County <br />to host evacuees from neighboring counties; and <br />WHEREAS, no regional plans exist to address the evacuation, hosting, or caring for the populations of <br />Orange and neighboring counties; and <br />WHEREAS, the evacuation plans for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant are inadequate to <br />address the region-wide health and safety concerns posed by the facility; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners does <br />hereby accept the Regional Terrorism Grant from the North Carolina Division of Emergency <br />Management for regional evacuation planning, agree that Orange County will be lead county in the <br />planning effort, and authorize the County Manager to execute the grant agreement and any related <br />documents necessary for implementation. <br />This, the 19th day of February 2002. <br />