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will be getting a tape of this. She asked for an update on school capacity figures using November 15, <br />2001 data. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this past week, she and Commissioner Brown went to a program <br />sponsored by the Human Relations Commission and the Commission for the Women. This was about <br />South Asia, with several young people giving a presentation about the area. There is a group trying to <br />address domestic violence as it is intertwined with the South Asian population in the United States. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) continues to work on the <br />regional rail project. She feels it may be time to have a presentation to update the County <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this week the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation <br />Advisory Committee (TAC) held a public hearing on their regional priority list. At the hearing around a <br />dozen people spoke and about half of them addressed the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension. Last year <br />this extension was #20 on the list and this year it is #9. <br />Hillsborough Mayor Joe Phelps, Town Board and TAC member Ken Chavious, and former Town <br />Board member Brian Lowen spoke in favor of the original alignment. Most of the speakers on this item <br />either favored the original alignment or had suggestions about which alignment should be used. There <br />was one speaker who opposed having the road cross the Eno River. During the hearing, Ken Chavious <br />said the Town Board had not agreed to participate on the EDD work group discussing transportation. <br />The thrust of these comments was that the Town of Hillsborough wanted the original alignment of <br />Elizabeth Brady Road. Over the next few years, there will be a discussion about the best alignment. <br />Finally, Commissioner Gordon reported that the DOT was doing a feasibility study on HOV lanes <br />and it looked like HOV lanes are going to be feasible in the I-40 corridor in certain circumstances. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the minutes of the joint meeting of the Hillsborough Town <br />Commissioners and the Orange County Board of Commissioners from March 20, 2001. He read item <br />2-b, Transportation Workgroup, which is incorporated by reference. He said that the Town Board did <br />know about the EDD workgroup discussing transportation and did not show any disagreement with it at <br />this meeting. <br />Chair Jacobs reminded the staff that we got a letter in January 2001 soliciting any information that <br />we might have that would be helpful in evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the Elizabeth <br />Brady Road project. He asked the staff when this report might be coming back to the Board and John <br />Link said that he would get this information. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the TAC would be very glad to have any kind of input from a joint <br />effort by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners and the Hillsborough Town <br />Commissioners concerning environmental impacts and related information. <br />Chair Jacobs mentioned the 4th annual agricultural summit held today at the Schley Grange Hall. <br />He said that about 70 people were there, nearly half of whom were active farmers. Commissioner of <br />Agriculture Meg Scott Phipps was the speaker. There was discussion about the use value system and <br />what changes might be taking place. There were some presentations on alternative ways of <br />approaching agricultural operations and some of the financial and planning factors in diversifying <br />operations. There were also discussions on what the County is doing, including the work of our new <br />Agricultural Economic Development Specialist, Mike Lanier, who has been working on a comprehensive <br />compilation of all of the agricultural operations in the County that are trying to sell products or otherwise <br />provide services to the public. <br />Chair Jacobs announced that there are two at-large vacancies and one Chapel Hill Township <br />vacancy on the Orange County Planning Board. He asked for people interested to apply either online <br />or by calling the Clerk's office. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he, Commissioner Halkiotis, and John Link will meet with Congressman <br />David Price on Thursday to talk about federal funds for some of Orange County's initiatives. <br />Chair Jacobs read the letter the Board plans to send to Governor Easley regarding the withholding <br />of our funds. This letter is incorporated herein by reference. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT -NONE <br />