Orange County NC Website
Alamance County that is outside of the Burlington MPO and the portion of Chatham County that is <br />outside the Durham/Chapel Hill/Carrboro MPO. There has been no discussion with Chatham County at <br />this point. <br />Commissioner Gordon would be hesitant in recommending that rural areas join any MPO, <br />including Burlington, because the rural interests would not be highlighted in an MPO. <br />Chair Jacobs feels it would be a mistake to get involved with an MPO because it has <br />different interests. He thinks that option 2-B is a good alternative, but he would consider adding <br />Caswell County to that mix. <br />It was the consensus that 2-B is the preferred option. The Board will meet with Chatham <br />County to discuss this and other issues at a later time. <br />c. Payment-in-Lieu Status Report <br />Craig Benedict summarized the information in the agenda. The payment-in-lieu is actually a <br />secondary part of the public dedication requirements of the subdivisions. The majority of the <br />subdivisions have paid the payment-in-lieu and have not made dedications. The payment-in-lieu is <br />$422 per lot if the land is in a community park area and $455 per lot if the land is in a district park area. <br />A consultant, Tischler and Associates, was hired to evaluate the standards of the existing code and the <br />possibility of updating the code provision. <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that the payment-in-lieu is for any subdivision that is within <br />the County's zoning control, which is outside the extraterritorial jurisdiction. Craig Benedict noted that <br />this is as complex as developing a school impact fee. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that this issue is very complex. She asked if it is possible to <br />finish this aspect with the unincorporated area and then talk to the other jurisdictions later. Craig <br />Benedict said yes. <br />11. APPOINTMENTS -NONE <br />12. MINUTES -NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to go into <br />Closed Session "To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County <br />Attorney on the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," NCGS <br />§ 143-318.11(a)(5) <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adjourn <br />the meeting at 10:35 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at the F. <br />Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, CMC <br />