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Technical Report • 12 <br />averages" were calculated, including figures for the number of square feet of building and land area <br />per student, and compared to the adopted standards. The calculations are shown in Table 5. <br />As evidenced by the comparison, the adopted standards for building size exceed the "local <br />averages" in the elementary and middle school cases. Since new development cannot be required to <br />raise the level of service standard, "local averages" must be used in calculating impact fees. <br />DETERMINING THE COST OF ACCOMMODATING DEVELOPMENT <br />Once physical quantities are established, costs must be determined. The manner in which cost <br />information is obtained or expressed is an important factor in establishing standards because the <br />objective is first to determine capital improvement cost per unit of development and then determine <br />a proportionate share of those costs. It follows that standards, costs, and shares of costs must be in <br />consistent units. <br />The best source of this data are actual local records. Fortunately, such records for new school <br />construction in Orange County are available. The New Hope Elementary School opened in 1991, <br />the new A.L. Stanback Middle School in 1995, the McDougle Middle School in 1994, the <br />McDougle Elementary School in 1996, and the East Chapel Hill High School in 1996. Using cost <br />data for these projects as well as information from the N.C. Department of Public Instruction and <br />the architects of the School Boards, the School Facility Constructions Standards Work Group was <br />able to calculate the estimated cost of new elementary and middle schools. These costs and the <br />capital cost per student for each type of facility are shown in Table 6. Cost estimates for new high <br />school facilities are based on the construction costs for East Chapel Hill High School opened in <br />1996. <br />As noted previously, there were no long -range plans for the construction of a new high school in the <br />county in 1995, and the Work Group did not address high school facility standards. However, both <br />school districts have identified the need for additions to existing high school facilities during the <br />ten -year school improvement program period and Orange County has identified the need for a new <br />High School.. Classroom space for an additional 500 students as well as a cultural arts building and <br />auditorium, a second gymnasium, an infant and pre - school facility, and athletic facilities are needed <br />at the new East Chapel Hill High School by the year 2002. These facilities are needed to complete <br />sections of the school that were eliminated during initial construction. The estimated cost for these <br />additions and the capital cost per student are shown in Table 7. <br />Multiplying the service provision standards, per demand unit, by the capital cost per unit of service <br />establishes the capital improvement cost per unit of development. This also may be expressed as a <br />formula: <br />Total Cost = Needed Improvements x Cost Per Unit <br />