Minutes - 19770801
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19770801
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Agenda - 08-01-1977
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y ~J <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that since Mr. P)alker's motion had not <br />been seconded, he would move that the Ghairman to the Board contact State <br />Personnel and discuss the allegations which had been presented to the Board. <br />Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion. <br />Chairman Whitted called for a vote on the motion and all members of <br />the Board voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />Thy Chairman asked Sim Efland to present his business to the Soard of <br />Commissioners. <br />Mr. Efland informed the Bcard that Congressman Fountain would be in <br />Hillsborough on August 23rd, from 2:00 p.m., to 4:00 p.m., to discuss <br />matters of importance with citizens of the County. Congressman Fountain <br />will meet citizens in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse. <br />Chairman Whitted informed the Board that William Berryhill, a staff <br />assistant for Senator Jesse Helms, would meet with citizens of the County <br />in the Commissioners' Room on Aggus.t 3, 1977, from 10:00 a.m., til 11:30 a.m. <br />to discuss matters of importance. <br />The Chairman asked Mrs. Josephine Barbour to present her business to <br />the Berard of Commissioners. <br />Mrs. Barbour asked questions regarding the part time position of the <br />Information Officer with the Emergency Medical Services. Mrs. Barbour <br />was informed that this position was not paid by the County, but was paid <br />by the Chatham-Orange Jaxnt Emergency Medical Service Council. Funds for <br />the salary come through a private foundation. <br />County Attorney, A. B. Coleman, Jr., asked the Board to discuss Item3 <br />on the agenda: Representatives of the Town of Mebane to discuss contract <br />between the Town of Mebane and Orange County. <br />The County Attorney stated that he had been discussing the matter with <br />the Mebane Town Manager, and his last conversation with the Town Manager, <br />he was told that the Town Manager was instructed to not discuss the matter _ <br />further. He stated that he had not been provided with basic information <br />which he had requested regarding the debt. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt the County Attorney should <br />move with dispatch to get the basic information which he had requested. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that since representatives from the Town o£ <br />Mebane had not appeared at the meeting today, that the County Attorney has <br />the authority to proceed with collecting the debt from the Town of Mebane. <br />Item 6: Ms. Gloria Williams, Joint Orange Chatham Community Action <br />Housing Director to discuss Housing Grant JOCCA will receive for renovation <br />of rural housing in Orange and Chatham Counties. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Ms. Williams. Ms. Williams informed the <br />Board of funds received in Orange and Chatham Counties for the Crisis Inter- <br />vention Program to help the poor with utility payments. She stated that <br />this money must be expended by August 31 of this year. Next, Ms. Williams <br />spoke of the Weatherzzation Funds which JOCCA had received and is proposed <br />to received in the near future. One supervisor can be hired with this <br />monty, however, the problem in Orange County is that there is only one <br />work crew, which is heavily involved in rehabilitation work through Farm <br />Home Loans. She stated that there is a mandate for weatherization work <br />in the County, but the crews are not available to do the work. She asked <br />that one CETA work crew or lay people be provided in order to get weatheri- <br />zation work going in Orange County. <br />Ms. Williams stated; in addition, JOCCA would be receiving additional " <br />monies for a rural housing and demonstration grant. This is to help those <br />families who have been rejected b_y FHA for home loans. Ms. [ailliams stated <br />that field laborers were needed in Orange Gounty in order to spend these <br />monies. Weatherization Funds will expire January 31, 1978. <br />The County Manager stated any additional CETA positions would be very <br />small. The Finance Officer stated that he had talked with Mr. Slone from <br />the Durham-Orange Employment Training Office and no additional CETA positions <br />are available. <br />
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