Orange County NC Website
;., <br />-z- <br />2. The COUNTY agrees to release and deliver to the <br />AUTHORITY a minimum of not less than two million g <br />~,,,;v <br />water for the duration of the emergency as determined <br />mutually by the AUTHDRITY and the COUNTY. There shall be __ <br />no charge far any water furnished under this agreement. <br />3. Any daily quantity of water re~qu~ ted by the <br />AUTHORITY in excess of two million gpd~s~ all, as to such <br />y- <br />excess, be subject to approval by the County ~~lanager of <br />COUNTY from time to time as the requests are made, and <br />such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />4. This agreement shall be in full force and effect <br />during the period of the water shortage and the emergency <br />resulting therefrom, the termination date of which shall be <br />mutually determined by the AUTHORITY and the COUNTY. <br />5. The COUNTY does hereby fully authorize the AUTHORITY <br />to locate, construct, and install within, along, and under <br />public roads and rights of way its pipelines and such appurtenances <br />connected therewith as may be required to properly deliver such <br />water through said pipelines to such point as the AUTHORITY may <br />select fior treatment and distribution through its public water <br />utility system; Provided, however, that the AUTHORITY will obtain <br />the right of encroachment within and upon any highway which is <br />under the control of the N. C. Department of Transportation such <br />permits and encroachment agreements as may be required by such <br />Department; and, Provided, further, that the AUTHORITY will at <br />its own expense promptly replace, repair, and restore all areas of <br />excavations and paving cuts to the standards required by the N. C, <br />Department of Transportation, and will relieve the COUNTY from any <br />obligation to make any of such repairs or restoration. <br />6. The COUNTY shall have no obligation to expend any funds <br />for the construction of pipelines, installation of meters, treatment <br />facilities, or any other segments of a water treatment and distribution <br />system, and its delivery of water from Orange Lake to the exclusive use <br />of the AUTHORITY as herein provided shall constitute its total obligation <br />hereunder. . <br />