Orange County NC Website
"3 <br />. e5 .w '- <br />PUBT,IC PROCLAMATION <br />Pursuant to the pzovisivns of the ORDINANCE PitOVIDING FOR <br />'T'HE CONSERVATION OF iyATER DURING A WATER SHORTAGE ANU RES'T'RTCTIi <br />TF;E USE OF 6dAI'ER DURTYdG MORE SEVERE SHOR'T'AGES , T , Richard ~.. <br />Whiffed, Chairman of the Board of Orange County Commissioners, <br />having been provided coith information that the water level of <br />University Lake has dropped to 343 feet (72 inches belat•J full) j <br />II do hereby issue this PUBLIC PROCLAMATION declaring to all <br />pezsons that a STAGE. III VdATER SHORTAGE DAi~GER is now in effect. <br />anal that the following water conservation restzictions are na:d <br />applicable. <br />FiENCEFORTiY, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or ' <br />oarporation to use or permit the use of watex from the water <br />system within Orange County supplied thzough the Orange L4atez <br />and Sewer Authority fvz any of the following puzpvses or in any' ' <br />I of the following ways: <br />~ _ <br />1. To water or spx•inkle any lawn, <br />2. I'o water any vegetable garden or ornamental shrubs <br />except during the houzs between ~k p.m. and 8 p.m. an <br />Saturday. <br />3. Tv fill any swimming pool or replenish any filled <br />swimming pool except to the mininum essential far <br />operation. <br />4. Tv operate water-cooled air conditioners or other <br />~ equipment that does not recycle cooling water, except <br />i when the health and safely are adversely affected. <br />II! 5. To wash any motor vehiale including commercial washing. <br />6. To wash down outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, <br />oz driveways, or to use water for other similar purpo::::;.. <br />7. Ta use or introduce water into any dec.arative fountain:.' <br />d <br />Y:INSTON• COLEMAN ~ pool ar pon _ <br />& BERNH04Z <br />ATTORNEYS AT ~,~, I $ , To serve water in a public restaurant except upon , <br />CHaP~'4 HILL. N. C:. <br />Y.ILL590R0UGH. N- G. <br />request. <br />