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N <br />Blunden, and Alex Zaffron all of whom are present to answer questions and <br />concerns. <br />Williford referred to a memorandum in the agenda packet from the Town of <br />Carrboro Planning Staff noting that the draft ordinance includes 26 additions <br />and revisions to the town's Land Use Ordinance. These sections address eight <br />major issues identified in the plan: density, conservation areas, conditional use <br />districts, environmental protection, mitigation of non - residential development <br />impacts, subdivision design in accordance with natural/significant features, <br />design guidelines, and advisory board representation by Transition Area <br />residents. <br />The sections were developed from thirteen work items that were identified in <br />October of 1997 by the Ordinance Drafting Committee and Planning staff and <br />four additional items developed during the course of the committee's work. The <br />work items, origin of policy in the plan, and ordinance reference, if applicable <br />are noted in the table included in the agenda materials. <br />These amendments, if adopted, will incorporate the Facilitated Small Area Plan <br />for Carrboro's Northern Study Area into the Joint Plan and establish procedures <br />to implement two floating, conditional use zones proposed in the Facilitated <br />Small Area Plan. <br />Williford continued that the ordinance is a 32 -page document and will be <br />presented by Trish McGuire. He noted that illustrations and maps are provided <br />to assist in explaining some of the provisions. <br />McGuire presented a brief description and explanation of each section of the <br />draft ordinance. A copy of the Draft Proposed NSA Ordinance is an <br />attachment to these minutes on pages . She suggested that <br />the Planning Board identify concerns and ask questions after the complete <br />presentation. <br />Allison asked about affordable housing and the quote of 2 1/2 times 80% of the <br />current income in this area and what that would be today. McGuire responded <br />that it would be between $104,000 and $109,000. Allison continued asking <br />about the architectural standards in Section 27 and how they applied to <br />affordable housing. McGuire responded that they apply to 100% of the housing. <br />Barrows asked if there would only be two floating conditional use zones. <br />McGuire responded that there were only two zoning districts that could be <br />rezoned to conditional use zones. Barrows continued, asking if there could be <br />more than two conditional use zones. McGuire responded that more than two <br />applicants could request that their site be rezoned to such a district and the <br />actual classification could be one conditional use office /assembly conditional <br />use district and one building mixed use district. <br />In regard to affordable housing, Katz asked if there are tests to prove that people <br />will actually live in those mixed use dwelling districts if they can afford more. <br />McGuire responded that there was considerable discussion about the issue and <br />that it was determined that there is a market for such housing. The Board of <br />Aldermen had discussed additional measures to ensure this. Katz continued <br />that just because it is offered does not mean that the people who could benefit <br />