Agenda - 12-15-1998 - 9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-1998
Agenda - 12-15-1998 - 9c
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5/14/2013 12:51:38 PM
Creation date
8/7/2009 2:57:37 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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7 <br />Katz noted that another concern was the effect this plan would have on the <br />preservation of farmlands and timberlands in that area. Bell responded that Mr. <br />Williford will be able to address that concern later in the agenda. <br />Bell distributed a one page summary of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro/Orange <br />County Joint Planning Process and a chronology of events related to <br />development of the Facilitated Small Area Plan for the Carrboro Northern <br />Study Area. The summary addressed Transition Areas and the Rural Buffer and <br />a map of the Joint Planning Area which indicated the jurisdictions of the <br />County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Bell explained and reviewed the information <br />(copies an attachment to these minutes on pages ). <br />Bell continued that any changes to the Joint Planning Agreement require a <br />public hearing and a positive vote by all three governing boards, Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Orange County. Also, any amendments to the Joint Planning <br />Area Land Use Plan require a positive vote by all three boards. In regard to the <br />Small Area Plan, Chapel Hill and Carrboro have already adopted it, and it <br />remains for Orange County to adopt it to make if effective. In regard to zoning <br />plans in the Chapel Hill or Carrboro Transition Areas, zoning must be in <br />conformance with the adopted plan and when there is a proposed change it must <br />go to public hearing. If it is on Carrboro's side, the public hearing is with <br />Orange County and Carrboro. On the Chapel Hill side, it is with Orange County <br />and Chapel Hill. Both governing boards must agree with the change for it to be <br />effective. <br />Bell continued reviewing the chronology emphasizing the dates of each process. <br />Brooks asked why the administration of the Transition Areas was transferred <br />to the towns in November 1988 for decision making. Bell responded that joint <br />planning was set in motion in the late `70s. At that time, the Town of Chapel <br />Hill had requested an extension of their Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) - <br />many refer to this as the one mile limit, three miles out from the town which <br />would have placed it to Mt. Sinai Road north of Chapel Hill. The County was <br />reluctant to grant that request. Discussions ensued with the County and the <br />Town for several years on how to address this issue. There were also several <br />committees working on a solution. Late in 1984 an agreement was signed by <br />the County and the Town of Chapel Hill. One of the items in the agreement <br />was that the County and the Town of Chapel Hill would jointly develop a Land <br />Use Plan for the areas outside of the town. Following adoption of the plan, <br />town zoning would be applied in those areas defined for urban growth, i.e., the <br />Transition Areas. Plan preparation took place between late 1984 and 1986; the <br />Plan was adopted by Chapel Hill and Orange County in 1986. Carrboro came <br />into the process officially in 1987. Administration of the Transition Areas was <br />transferred to the towns in 1988 following adoption of Chapel Hill and Carrboro <br />zoning consistent with the plan. <br />Bell stated that the two items before the Planning Board are the Small Area Plan <br />and an amendment to the Joint Planning Agreement necessary to set the Small <br />Area Plan into motion. <br />Roy Williford, Carrboro Planning Director, addressed the Board stating that, as <br />requested by the Orange County Planning Board, a draft ordinance was being <br />presented for consideration. The draft ordinance was composed by a citizens' <br />group, Ordinance Drafting Committee: Jay Bryan, Jean Earnhardt, Giles <br />
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