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24 <br />5 <br />adopted. She was very opposed to this being adopted without the ordinance being adopted at the same <br />time or before. She pointed out that there was supposed to be a 75 foot, undisturbed buffer between <br />Stony Creek and Hogan Farm which was compeeey destroyed. There is no buffer left. <br />Carrboro Board of Alderman Gist stated that a moratorium on development for that area is currently <br />in place for the area for which the ordinances are being written. They are in the process of getting the <br />moratorium extended for another 6 months while the ordinances are completely written. <br />Mr. David Rutter, a resident of this area, indicated that he is confused as to why the process is <br />being put forth without the ordinance being completed. <br />It was mentioned that the plan has been accepted, not adopted. Transition Area I and II distinctions <br />would be removed so that the floating zones could operate. Those floating zones could not be put into the <br />transition areas as they exist because of density requirements. <br />Mr. Rutter mentioned that many years ago Mayor Jim Porto of Carrboro asserted Carrboro's right to <br />annex industrial nodes which were not clearly defined and were miles away from Carrboro's limit. <br />Carrboro's staff also prepared a plan that would bring office and industrial uses to the Calvander <br />community. He stated that he does not support the current Carrboro plan. Nor does he support the <br />removal of the Transition 1 & II areas. He asked if County representatives would retain a part in the <br />transitional development in future years. He requested that the ordinances be written before the plan is <br />adopted: <br />Mn Curtis McLauglin, a resident of Drew Lane and Homestead Road, indicated that he was <br />opposed to the floating districts. He participated in the planning group but not the consensus group. He <br />wanted to know what was going to happen to the lot across from him. He stated that he does not want to <br />have mixed use development on that road and does not support the floating districts. <br />Mr. Andrew Cohen, Chair of the Carrboro Planning Board, commended the elected officials for their <br />commitment to hearing what citizens have to say. He asked that a plan be adopted. The moratorium will <br />end shortly. He stated that interests of the community as a whole must be considered and a decision must <br />be made. He urged the elected officials to make a decision. He requested that the elected officials adopt <br />this plan. <br />Ms. Linda Brockwell Roberts, a Calvander resident, spoke in support of the Randall Arendt study <br />and asked that his recommendations be taken into strong consideration for this area. She asked that the <br />moratorium be continued so that the ordinance could be completed. She distributed a video and asked <br />the Board of Commissioners to view it. She asked that her family's land and homes be kept together. The <br />property she was referring to is the four comers (except for the community store) of Calvander. She asked <br />to remain a County resident. <br />Carrboro Board of Alderman Zaffron commented that regarding the use of plural or single language <br />in referring to Village Mixed Use Centers he referred to page five (5) "Goals & Objectives', the precise <br />language that was agreed upon in the facilitated meeting #11(a) Mixed Use Village Centers. The <br />language reads "village floating zone, amend policy proposal and draft plan for a mixed use village center <br />along Old 86 to a policy endorsing the concept of a "floating zone" for future residential village <br />developments in the transition area. That is the language that was agreed upon in the facilitated meeting. <br />He indicated that the Board of Aldermen are looking at how to provide representation for the Calvander <br />residents. An autonomous advisory board for the transition area is one of the suggestions they are <br />looking at <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther, to refer the <br />proposal to amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map to the Towns of Chapel Hill & <br />