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13 <br />consideration, that is an ethical consideration. This was to make sure that <br />everyone knew that nobody is trying to "shove anything down anybody's <br />throat ". The object is to offer a progressive option to people that is not currently <br />available. <br />Christie Boros stated that she is a resident of Orange County who lives <br />approximately one -half mile north of the northern transition boundary. When <br />she first heard of the small area plan she was concerned about traffic, <br />concentration of lights that could be seen far away, the possibility of city water <br />and sewer being forced on people out in the County, and higher property taxes. <br />She continued that she is very concerned about concentrating 500 to 1000 <br />people in an area that may be beside existing farmland that would have things <br />that would be offensive to those in the development. In an office /assembly <br />area, it is unrealistic to assume that the only people who work there will live in <br />the rural village. It is also unrealistic to assume that everyone who lives in the <br />rural village will want to live in one of the O/A zones. Traffic will increase into <br />and out of those areas. There will be additional pressure on the rural buffer for <br />other people who might want to work in those zones. Ms. Boros continued that <br />Carrboro has shown its willingness to break rules specifically by purchasing and <br />proposing to place a construction dump in an already restricted area. She did <br />not feel that the regulations would last, even for the short term, because they <br />have already shown their willingness to go past what has already been defined. <br />She strongly requested that the Planning Board make a recommendation to the <br />Board of Commissioners against this plan; and, furthermore, ask them to be <br />more aggressive in defining their own plan for Orange County. The plan should <br />not be for the towns, but, for the County. <br />Dave Rutter, resident of Calvander, spoke in opposition to the plan. He <br />expressed concern that there could be unlimited number of village developments <br />and that Carrboro is asking the County, elected officials, to rubber stamp the <br />plan and step out of the process. Mr. Rutter continued that he agreed with the <br />previous speaker that the people of Orange County would be better served if the <br />Commissioners take a more aggressive position on this area because Carrboro is <br />trying to dictate the terms. Everyone knows that there is development pressure, <br />that's why we have a Joint Planning Agreement. He felt it was a great day when <br />joint planning was put in place and he would hate to see Carrboro continue to <br />come to the County with such an aggressive takeover position. <br />Mr. Rutter noted the many years of work that had gone into the Joint Planning <br />Agreement. He stated that he had not heard of Chapel Hill coming to the <br />Commissioners and asking that they come out of the process in their <br />transitional areas. He continued that he felt the floating zone and the village <br />mixed use concepts favor massive, huge money developers and that should be <br />taken into consideration when thinking about the ordinary citizens of Orange <br />County as well as the other ramifications of large development. He reiterated <br />that in July there was a unanimous decision to deny this request and he felt the <br />needs of Carrboro could be addressed within the Joint Planning Process. Also, <br />the Transitional Committee should not be appointed by Carrboro. <br />Katz, noting that the moratorium would soon be over and the Planning Board <br />may not be able to reach a decision to night, asked what Mr. Rutter felt would <br />happen in the Transition Area. Mr. Rutter responded he felt it was a huge <br />mistake to take deliberate input away from the citizens and that it would be a net <br />