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.-' - <br />Mr. Gustaveson stated that the function of the Planning Committee is <br />to organize and refine the format in addressing these two broad areas. <br />He spoke further o£ the need far ways to assess human services in the <br />County, a need for ways to recognize gaps in services, to see what is <br />Bing provided and being utilized, and what is needed in the future in <br />determining priorities. <br />The Planning Gommittee should be composed of one member appointed from <br />the following departments or agencies: Social Services, Mental Health, <br />Orange County Health Aepartment, Agriculture Extension Service, Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Department, Joint Orange Chatham Community Action, One member <br />from the Board of County Gor-~missioners, one member of the znter-Church <br />Council and one member from the County p?anager's staff. Representatives <br />from Hillsborough and Carrbora's unit of governments will be asked to sit <br />on the Planning Committee. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked that this committee be set up to begin <br />planning for the conference. <br />Commissioner Flillhoit suggested October 2R and 29, 1977 be scheduled <br />as the time for the conference. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />[gillhoit, it was moved and adopted to endorse the concept of the Human <br />Services Planning Committee and to schedule October 28 and 29 as the <br />designated time for the conference. <br />A letter is to be forwarded to the various departments and agencies. <br />Commissioner [~7hitted stated that he would like it to be clear that <br />this is ndt a move to establish a County Department of Human Services. <br />The meeting was adjourned. <br />L, <br />is rd F. - t ed, airman <br />Agatha Johnson, C7:erk <br />s <br />