Orange County NC Website
H q '� If @� <br />to-" <br />0-0 �. - W " <br />United States Department of the interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Cabe - Pratt - Harris House <br />Section number Page = Orange Co., NC <br />Harris House occurred when the house was remodeled in the 1940s. <br />At that time the boxed stair to the upstairs sleeping loft was <br />removed and the house gained a substantial rear addition. This <br />rear wing addition was remodeled in 1983 using the same <br />footprint. <br />Despite these alterations, the property retains its <br />integrity, or the ability to convey its significance. The house <br />remains on its original location and its immediate setting is <br />unaltered. The house retains most of its original materials <br />and design elements, most prominently its hall- and - parlor plan, <br />mantelpieces, windows, doors, and unpainted heart pine floors, <br />walls and ceilings. The house reflects the aesthetic and <br />historic sense of the early nineteenth century construction <br />date, and its association with the original builders, the Cabe <br />family who owned the property until the and of that century. <br />12 <br />