Agenda - 12-15-1998 - 8u
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-15-1998
Agenda - 12-15-1998 - 8u
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Last modified
8/13/2015 3:31:07 PM
Creation date
8/7/2009 2:35:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19981215
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�..— ,*.aoa_ <br />tw <br />OR" —. — »a—m. <br />United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service <br />National Register of Historic Places <br />Continuation Sheet <br />Cabe - Pratt - Harris House <br />Section number 7 Page ? _ Orange Co., NC <br />7. Narrative Description <br />The Cabe- Pratt - Harris douse is located on approximately <br />twenty -seven acres near the Eno River in rural eastern Orange <br />County. The house and acreage, known by its twentieth - century <br />name, Riverbend Farm, is located at the end of a long gravel <br />driveway off Pleasant Green Road (SR 1567), with no neighbors <br />or roads in sight. The c.. 1820, one - and - one -half story, <br />gable- roofed frame house faces north, and is sited on the crest <br />of a small 'moll. It is surrounded by mowed, grass fields, <br />which once produced large quantities of corn and wheat. The <br />house is shaded by large oak, dogwood, magnolia, and chinaberry <br />trees. A kitchen garden is located immediately south of a <br />substantial rear and side addition which includes an attached <br />garage, appended to the house in the mid - twentieth century and <br />remodeled, on the same footprint, in the late- twentieth century. <br />The old section of the house retains its early hall- and - parlor <br />plan and original interior finishes, which include the original <br />flush board pine sheathing, chair rails, six -panel doors, flush <br />wainscot in the parlor, and arched and square fireboxes with <br />needed, raised -panel mantelpieces. <br />The Cabe - Pratt- Harris House is a significant and rare <br />example of a small but substantial early- nineteenth century <br />farm house of the Eno River Valley. The main block of the house <br />stands on a raised fieldstone foundation (with a crawlspace <br />below) and is bracketed by large stone chimneys with offset <br />brick stacks. The gable -side roof, originally covered by shakes, <br />is now sheathed with decorative v- crimped metal. The' house <br />has a boxed cornice and nine - over -nine windows. Four - over -four <br />windows in the gable ends light the loft sleeping area. The <br />window muntins are delicate and narrow and the double -hung sash <br />retains some early glass panes. <br />The original main entrance to the old part of the house <br />is approached via a flight of five slate steps which broaden <br />and curve at the rase and have holes drilled where an iron <br />handrail formerly stood. A standing seam metal, shed -roof <br />portico shelters a replacement six raised -panel front door. <br />At present, the principal entrance is located on the west side <br />of the rear addition. The addition has multi -pane windows and <br />and a multi -pane French door. The principal main entrance is <br />marked by a landscaped brick side patio surrounded by a picket <br />fence and gate. <br />The original interior plan is basically two rooms. The <br />square hall is entered directly from outdoors, with an arched <br />10 <br />
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