Orange County NC Website
sure~ <br />North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources <br />James B. Hunt Jr., Governor <br />Betty Ray McCain, Secretary <br />October 21, 1998 <br />Odell C. Prince <br />c/o Nina C. Breeze <br />4501 Carr Store Rd. <br />Cedar Grove, NC 27231 <br />RE: White Oak Grove School, Cedar Grove, Orange County <br />Dear Mr. Prince: <br />15 <br />Division of Archives and History <br />Jeffrey J. Crow, Director <br />At the request of the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission, the above -named <br />property, which you own, was presented to the National Register Advisory Committee <br />(NRAC) at its meeting in Raleigh on October 8, 1998, for a preliminary assessment of the <br />property's eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. The NRAC is a board of <br />professionals and citizens with expertise in history, architectural history, and archaeology, <br />and meets quarterly to advise me on the eligibility of properties for the National Register. <br />The committee determined that this property is potentially eligible for the National <br />Register and warrants further study. Accordingly, the property has been added to the <br />Study List of potential nominations to the National Register. <br />The inclusion of a property on the Study List places no restrictions, requirements, or <br />obligations on the property's owner. The Study List is simply the first step in the National <br />Register listing process. Please note that placement on the Study List does not mean <br />automatic nomination to the Register. Also, please note that a property may not be <br />nominated to the National Register over the objection of its private owner. <br />The next step in the process is preparation of a formal National Register nomination <br />document. This is a written research report prepared to National Register standards <br />which describes and evaluates the property and its history. The property will be <br />nominated only if you initiate this next step, or if an interested third party does so with <br />your knowledge and concurrence. The enclosed set of National Register Fact Sheets <br />describes the National Register and the listing process. <br />109 East Jones Street • Raleigh. North C a�n�ina ?'lhnt _'M7 D n <br />