Orange County NC Website
9 <br />• Foreign Trade Zone Administrator Fulfill contractual and administrative <br />responsibilities for Zone #93 and existing or potential subzones; help market the <br />general purpose zone and develop new subzones as needed. • Provide training to <br />developers on Zones and make public /civic presentations. • Meet the <br />contractual responsibilities as the FTZ grantee representative for the North <br />Carolina Department of Commerce, particularly with the Catawba Valley FTZ <br />expansion project. • Work with the Global TransPark Authority to develop a <br />subzone and help them to activate the general purpose zone. • Pursue other FTZ <br />administrative contracts and develop other subzones. <br />Goal: Assist member governments, individually or collectively, to <br />deliver cost - effective services to their citizens. <br />• Continue the push for an affordable, regional telephone system. <br />• Explore means for assisting local governments in the region to increase <br />affordable housing. • Explore new sources for assistance to governments and <br />business. • Seek alternative sources of funds for the COG and for the member <br />local governments. <br />• Create and maintain a coalition of businesses to support the Air Awareness <br />program to help keep the Triangle from exceeding emissions limits <br />established by the federal air quality program. <br />• Lobby for the interests of the Region at the state and federal levels. <br />11/98 <br />