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~.+ V 4' <br />Ms. Riddle suggested that the Advisory Councils spend 6 months, from <br />January to June, 1978, or from January til September, 1978, studymng the <br />maps and overlays which the Planning Department already has. Going <br />through an educational process in terms of what land use planning really <br />is and gathering input from local citizens. Hopefully, by the second <br />half of 1978, the Councils would be ready to look at a total land use plan. <br />Mr. Efland suggested that the Technical Advisory Committee and the <br />Advisory Councils in the local townships work closely together in develap- <br />ing a land use plan. <br />Ms. Riddle stated that the Advisory Councils would have use'of maps <br />and overlays which are now in the Planning Department. They will have <br />input from the'task force and be ready to come together with a draft land <br />classificatien plan by September, 1978. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that by September of 1978, the two Boards <br />would have hammered out a draft of a land classification plan and be <br />ready to go before a public hearing. From July til December, 1977, the <br />Advisory Councils would be getting into place. <br />The Subdivision Regulations are now in the hands of the Commissioners <br />Chairman Whitted asked that the Planning Staff review their daily <br />schedule and manpower and to relate this inform~.tion back to the Board. <br />The two Boards will then schedule another meeting. <br />Chairman Whitted requested that the Planning Board consider at <br />some future paint the extraterritorial jurisdiction request of the <br />Town of Chapel Hill. The Planning Staff will provide the Planning Board <br />with the.maps and resource materials. <br />Ben Lloyd spoke against the action of the two Boards. He questioned <br />the parliamentary procudures of a previous meeting of the Planning Board. <br />This matter was referred to the County Attorney fox research. <br />Other citizens spoke against the pzoposed Subdivision Ordinance. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak and no one came <br />forth. <br />The meeting was adjourned. <br />ichard E. Wh t e , airman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOT~RD OF COMMISSxgNERS <br />JULY 5, 1977 <br />The Orange County Board of Gammissianers met in, regular session on <br />Tuesday, July 5, 1977, at 10:00 a. m „ in the Commissioners' Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, <br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhoit. <br />Staff members present were County Administrator, S. M. Gattis, Finance <br />Director, Neal Evans, and Agatha Johnson, Clerk to th.e Board, <br />Jeffrey Gledhill, County Attorney was also present. <br />Chairman Whitted opened the meeting by referring to Ttem 1 on the <br />agenda: Persons not on this agenda having business to transact with the <br />Board of Commissioners should make their presence known at this time. <br />James J. Freeland stated that he was present, along with other citizens <br />to ask questions regarding the new tax rate. <br />The consensus of the Board was to hear from the gathered group at this <br />time . <br />