<br />3
<br />Prepared by: JOHN G. McCORMICK, P.A.,
<br />976 Airport Road, Suite 150, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
<br />Retum: GRANTEE
<br />P[N: TM: 491A-01-002-51
<br />Brief Description: Unit 101, Finley Forest Condominium
<br />Revenue Stamps: 5218.00
<br />e~oK 1790 o,:c~ 325
<br />zeoz
<br />B9-a2-98
<br />X218.09
<br />sTn ORtH
<br />~RpuNA ' _ ~ Real Estate
<br />Excise Tax
<br />'this DEED made this 26th day of August, 1998, by and between
<br />GRANTOR,
<br />ORANGE COUNTY /~- 101 Finley Forest Dr.
<br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514
<br />The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and
<br />assigns, sad shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as rdquired by context.
<br />WITNESSETH that the Grantor, for valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bazgain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all
<br />that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Chapel Hill Township, Durham County, North Carolina and more
<br />particulazly described as follows:
<br />These certain premises comprbing a portion of Finley Forest Condomininm, said .Condominium having been
<br />estabibhed under Chapter 47-A of the North Carolina General Statutes (unit Ownership Act) and the Dtelararion of
<br />Condominium dated November 7, 1984, and rernrded May 31, 1983 in Book 517, Page 229, Orange County Registry, and in
<br />Book 1212, Page 681, Durham County Regbtry, or as same may be snbsequeoriy amended In aarordanee with the terms and
<br />conditions set forth therein (the "Declaration"), the prcmbea hereby conveyed being more particularly described as foibws:
<br />1. Unit No. 101, in Phase 1, Finley Forest Condominium (the "Unit°), as described in the Declaration and as shown
<br />on the plan of Condominium which b recorded in Condomininm Plat Book 41, Page 81-83, Orange County
<br />Regbtry, and Drawer 3, Page 82, Durham County Regbtry; and
<br />2. All the related percentage undivided interest appurtenant to the Unit in all Common Areas and Facilities o(the
<br />Condomtoiam, including the buildings and the improvements oo the land described in the Declaration and u
<br />shown on the Plan of Condomininm recorded as set forth above, and as same may be subsequently amended, in
<br />the Orange County and Durham County Registries:
<br />together with the right of ingress to and egress from said property and the right to use, for all purposes, in commou with the
<br />Grantor, it suceeswrs and assigns, and ail other occupant from time to time, any sad all portions of Finley Forest
<br />Condomininm, designated by the Declarcrion as "commou Areas and Faciliries.°
<br />The Unit herein conveyed b intended for use as a residential dwelling. Thb conveyance b subjeM to easements and right of
<br />way of record, to ad valorem Ines for the cumat year and to the reservations, restriMiow on ose and all covenants and
<br />obligations set forth in the Declarctioo, io the Articles of Incorporatba and Bylaws of Finley Forest Condominium
<br />Association, Ina, whkh Articles and Bylaws are recorded in the Orange ~ Durham County Regbtria. all o[ which
<br />restrictions, payments of charges sad all other covenants, agreements, obligations, conditions and provisions are incorporated
<br />in this deed by reference and eonsritnte and shall wmritute covenants running with the land, equitable servitudes sad liens to
<br />the eztsnt set forth io Bald doeumeats as provided by law. Grantee, his heirs, successors, admiobtrators, ezeenton and
<br />assigns, by accepting this dted, hereby ezpressly assume sad agree to be bound by and eompty with all of the covenants, terms
<br />provbiona and conditbw set forth in thb deed, in the Declarction, sad in said Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules
<br />and regulations made thereunder, including, but not Umited to, the obligatbn to make payment of assessments for the
<br />maintenance sad opentba of the Condominium which may be levied against the Unit.
<br />