Orange County NC Website
~b5 <br />AGEt~DA ATTACHMEPJT TI <br />• 1:t:SOT.U'1'IDtb Ali'"ItARI2LtiC EXEi:CiTLC~' <br />-- OF AtJ Ai~1~Ii~\L l'~O~tfRI1~111'IUAtS C(1C."!:~'~~L"1• <br />;dt;•-a<!•.as, the Orange County Housing Authority <br />(herein .a:i.~ad th4 "Ft1A") proposes kn enter, into an _1rer:c;_~i f,;>~ctr;.'t•:':i.:.:: •._ .:--_t <br />(herein cai',~d the "4onkrack") wikl~ t!r~: llciited Stat4s a ra:,~:r:ir:a, `'.,_ ..-... ::. .' <br />Housing ae:d G_baz Dcvelapmer_t (herein called the "Gove:n:.~~~it~~), <br />t\Ol•:, TrII:F:EsO1;L•`, 13E T'T Rl'sSDL;'ED b)• khe Pl{~1. as follo'.•r=.: <br />Section 1-. The Contrsct, ncunbered l:ontract t{o. A-2903 as amended i _ - <br />Chai ~trtan 0range County <br />approved ar:d accepted both as to form crud substance and the Housing ~ut1]Ol'7•~)! <br />is hexe'7y authorized and cji..ected to cx,~.cute said Contixac4 zn t:iE~ii..:.rr t" [=_i,'. <br />Clerk, Orange County _ <br />o£ the Fla, .^nd the __ Housing Aut Orl ty is hcrc:b)' o.u l.]rUr. i c:.G .,.... ~! i .... _. • . <br />(Title of Ofizcer) <br />to i.mpr~~s~ aaa aL'tc~st the official seal n£ the PItA on e~~-ch :~~.~ci~- c:c~u:it::r;: ~.:-t_ _:.•;! ~:n <br />farsaaxd said executed counterparts ko the Gor-ernrnent togetht~r r,,il:•~ s:c.:r ~?tl::: ~=,•:::- <br />,a4nts evidencing the approval and authurizin4 the execution. th~z r..n~ :.a ~'.~v 17~= <br />requixe3 by Che Go~•crnment', <br />Orange County <br />Section 2. T`ro Finance Director is hereby autho:i~c:c to r.'-_le ...tin <br />(Title of Dfficer) <br />the Governnent fro;; time to time, as mvnxes are required, requi_~lt.~ona iu4ri::E:: •.y;.l- <br />the necessary suppc; document, far payment undez tht (:ar.>~a:c:~:. <br />Sec Li.r~ra 3. '1';;ia Re:~Rlutiar. shr~l] taY.e effect irra:eclia ~'~l) . <br />P ~ ~ .. <br />.r .. <br />G ~ <br />M ' <br />• ~ <br />/f <br />