Orange County NC Website
Aso <br />Discussion regarding terms of the Health Board members ensued. The <br />Beard of Commissioners agzeed that terms should be decided by the Health <br />Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was maved and.advpted that the Interim Health Board, composed <br />of Commissioner Donald Willhoit, Kathy Parker, Nancy Coleman, Evelyn Lloyd, <br />Betsy McAdoo, Ruth Cooper, James Boyd, Dr. William Mayes, and Dr. William <br />Nebel be officially appointed as the Orange County Board of Health to be <br />effective July 1, 1977. <br />The Board of Health was requested to make arrangements with either <br />the Clerk of Court ox the Register of Deeds for the swearing in of office. <br />Item 12: Scheduling of a Work Session with the Planning Board and <br />staff and the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that he felt a ~loz~k sessa.on was needed <br />w;.th the Planning Board and staff to discuss the goals and oFaj'ecti°ves <br />which were set out at the December 14, 1975 meeting. <br />Commissioner Willhoit proposed Wednesday, June 29, 1977, as the <br />work session. Discussion ensued. <br />The County Manager was requested to contact members of the Planning <br />Board and the Planning Staff to see if this is a convenient date. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 3 on the agenda: Minor Subdivision <br />Plat: The Planning Board has approved the minor suFadiv3~sion plat of <br />E. A- Cameron and Norman Eliason. This plat proposes the division of 4.7 <br />acres from a 94 acre tract. Both properties would front on State Road <br /># 1175. Mr. Edwards stated that the plat shows most of this land in <br />Bingham Township, however, the 4.47 acre tract is located in Chapel Hi11 <br />Township. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the minor subdivision plat of E, A~ <br />Cameron and Norman Eliason. <br />Mr. Edwards presented a minor subdivision plat for Joel Cheek. This <br />property is located on Jones Ferry Road in Chapel Hill Township, The <br />owners have the Health Department's approval, This division of one acre <br />being cut from a 40 acre tract. No streams crass the property and no drive- <br />ways are located in the areas of this property. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson <br />it was moved and adopted to approve the minor subdivision plat of Joel Cheek. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that the minutes of the Planning Board <br />meeting be supplied to the County Commissioners before seeking approval <br />of minor subdivision plats or other plats in the future. <br />Item 10: Continued budget discussion. <br />Commissioner Willhoit offered the following proposal: He suggested <br />that the Board start from the standpoint of the Manager's budget and with <br />the schools additions at $353 per pupil, plus $340,000 in Capital Outlay <br />'for Chapel Hill and $250,000 for County Schools' Capital Outlay. Additions <br />to this would be $20,300 for the Board of Elections, $36,000 for Recreation <br />Municipal Support, $5,000 for agencies support, and $5,860 for Agriculture <br />4-H Aides. The total of these additions is $514,335 over the Manager's <br />recommendation. Mr. Willhoit proposed that the Board subtract 3 cents <br />(which is $212,760), the difference is $301,575. He then suggested that <br />the Manager's budget of $12,157,110, subtract Exam that budget the revenues <br />for particular line items which produce revenues or receive revenues from <br />the State, so that you are looking at a net County appropriation from these <br />items. After the revenues are subtracts, the balance would be around $g.9 <br />millions. $301,575 from the $9.9 million taould be about 3 percent. <br />Mr. Willhoit then suggested that all items in the budget be cut by <br />3 percent. Further, he suggested that the difference from the Orange County <br />Capital Outlay be taken, as well as the $7,000 from the Sheriff's budget, <br />which amounts to about $50,000 and could be spread across the other items <br />where it is not possible to cut 3 percent. This proposal would call for a <br />10 cent tax increase. <br />