Orange County NC Website
2s~ <br />~, AGENDA ATTACHMEN"f IV <br />O RANGE COUNTY <br /> PROPOSED <br />1976-77 BUDGET ORDINAfr'CE <br /> AMENDMEfdT <br />The 1975-77 Budget Ordinance of Orange County as adopted <br />and subsequently amended <br />is hereby amended as f <br />ll on ~Iune 24, 1976, <br />, o <br />ows: <br />Change the appropriation for the following line. items in the funds indicated: <br /> INCREASE <br />FUND ~ ITEM (DECREASE) ~ Tp TOTAL <br />General Fund: • <br />Animal Control-Personnel 350. 20 <br />450 <br />Animal Control-Facilities (90) , <br />6 <br />510 <br />Animal Control-Supplies <br />850) , <br />1 <br />550 <br />Civil Defense-Supplies , <br />900 <br />EMS-Capital <br />Health-Advertising 5 170 <br />' 15,170 <br />Register-Travel 500 <br />200 500 <br /> <br />Agency Support-Medical Examiner 1,500 1,700 <br />6,Op0 <br />Social Services: <br />Income Maintenance-AA 5,000 111 <br />560 <br />Income i+laintenance-AFDC (2,50D) , <br />717,5p0 <br />Change the revenues and fund balances estimated to be available to meet the <br />foregoing appropriations in the funds indicated: <br />FUND _ RESOURCE INCREASE <br />(DECREASE) TO TOTAL <br />General Fund: <br />EMS Grant 7,580 7,5$0 <br />Misc. Revenue 850 850 <br />Social Services: <br />State Federal-AA <br />2,500 <br />55,780 <br />Adapted this the `S"~ <br />day of ~~~ <br />