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<br />The third priority is for adequate provision of parkland and natural corridors, one of the <br />most prominent needs identified is to preserve green corridors, whether in an urban or rural etking. This '~~ <br />section of ~e repork addresses the potential for linking some existing and proposed greenway networks <br />in shape! Hill, arrboro, and Hillsborough to future parks and regional open space, such as Eno River <br />state Park and Duke Forest. In ~ ~~, a schematic plan for greenways extending from the chapel <br />Hilllarrboro area into the Rural l~ufferwas developed as part of the ~loint Planning Aran Land use Plan. <br />Wildlife corridors in the rural areas were introduced into bounty planning efforts through the 1 ~~ <br />Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitat and are important to the overall bounty and regional <br />ecosyster~ as part of the "green infrastructure", However, as the bounty and Towns continue to grow, it <br />will become important to link Town parks to regional corridors such as Eno River Mate Bark, nodes of '~ <br />open space such as Duke Forest, and future bounty parks and open space. The identification of ' <br />strategic corridors that might tie together these recreation facilities is suggested as a practical long-term <br />goal. ~~ <br />~~ <br />The fourth priority is coordinated land acquisition for parks. The ~ and 1 g7 reports <br />point to the need for coordinated capital funding. The work group placed a strong emphasis on the '~ <br />need to begin land acquisition now far long-term park needs. In 1gg, grange bounty has taken steps to <br />create a mechanism to address this goal. Anew Department of Environmental and Resource <br />conservation began operation on January 4, ~~gg, with a primary focus on acquisitionleasements of <br />critical land resources. A Land Acquisition Program for grange bounty is currently being developed for <br />discussion in the fall of ~ ggg. This program will develop andlor use inventories, criteria, and a <br />management structure for the acquisition and stewardship of land resources deemed critical to the public ~,; <br />interest, as well as working with other existing land trusts and entities. The bounty is hiring a Land <br />Resources conservation Manager who will have expertise in site evaluation and land acquisition. <br />Funding for long-term parkland acquisition would likely involve local bonds and allocations, and grants <br />from programs such as sate Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, '" <br />The fifth concern of the Work group was the payment-in~livu programs. All jurisdictions in '~; <br />the bounty have provisions in their development ordinances addressing dedication or provision of <br />recreation facilities. arrboro and grange bounty also have payment-in-lieu dedication programs, which <br />allows for the payment of a fee based on the number of lots in lieu of providing recreation facilities. <br />grange bounty has special legislation that would allow forthe use of impact fees for public uses, ~~. <br />including recreation, but this proviso has not been utilised to date. As of 1 9, arrboro has collected <br />4~~,0~~.~~ through its payment-in-lieu program. grange bounty currently has 4~~,000 available. <br />The bounty has also received land dedications totaling ~4 acres since ~ g~, although this land is in <br />small pieces, exclusively in the Bingham and chapel Hill Townships. The Work group found that <br />difficulties exist with the existing payment+in-lieu programs such that funds must be geographically '~~ <br />earmarked and spent within the area collecked. They must also be supplemented with matching funds. ~~ <br />considerable research was done to e~cplore programs in other jurisdictions, and a special meeting with ~~ <br />Richard Drucker from the Institute of government was held to review payment-in-lieu possibilities. '~ <br />Finally, the si~cth area of the report addressed the recor~mendations of the wank group. '~ <br />~a} r~a~e a darks ar-~ Resource Lar~~s aunor'I, whose possible duties might include; ~'~° <br />~1} developing and reviewing standards; <br />~~ Developing future parks bond proposals; <br />~~ Providing a coordinating mechanisr~ for parks plan updates; <br />~4} Making recommendations on allocations of future bond moneys; ~~ <br />~~} coordinating acquisitions through the bounty Land Resource Acquisition '~~ <br />Rrogram. ~ <br />A resolution asking the local board to create the Rarks and Resource Lands <br />ounci) was presented, <br />~b~ rea~e InterTjurisdic#ional ~arrdar~; As previously noted, impediments exist to <br />the creation of common standards for use countywide, But if coordinated funding is pursued, the need <br />for same coordinated standard would be important. The Parks and Resource Lands council is <br />recommended as a mechanism to accomplish this goal. <br />