Orange County NC Website
<br />ommissionerJacobs asked ~Ianner Davis to dicu~s the difference in <br />requirements between minor and major subdivisions. Planner Davis e~cplained the differences. chair <br />cordon stated that she believed staff would make the decision about minorormajor subdivisions. chair <br />cordon stated that a change had occurred in the -year rule and Planning Director Benedict concurred. <br />There is not an accumulative rule. <br />omrnissionerJacobs e~cpressed his belief that deleting many of these <br />time limits is a good action, He asked questions of Planning Director Benedict, which were addressed. <br />Planning Board Member harry Katz made reference to the website run by <br />the Town of nary, North erolina, and stated thatthe nary website includes a timeline for development. <br />Member Katz suggested grange bounty mightwantto develop and furnish similar information. <br />Planning Board Member Robert trayhorn expressed the importance of <br />informing the public as to the duration of time necessary to have action on an item taken by the Planning <br />Department. Member trayhorn also wanted to stress the importance of minor subdivisions to rural <br />grange bounty. <br />~~~ Audience amments: <br />Emily Cameron distributed a prepared statement that addressed her <br />support for staying within the timeframes. Ms. Cameron also had concerns about the actual tent of the <br />amendments if the Board of bounty commissioners approves them. commissioner Brown asked Ms. <br />Cameron if there was ever ~ concept plan that was denied. Ms. Cameron stated that the majority of the <br />time, they could wank it outwith the developer. <br />Planning Board Member Lynn Holtkamp made ~ statement about limiting <br />the timeframes. Ms. Cameron stated the timeframe for a preliminary plan was ~ days, Upon review of <br />the concept plan, any concerns should immediately be addressed with the developer for quick resoiu~ion, <br />Ms. Cameron reiterated that sloe does notfeel any additional time is necessary. <br />Vic Knight, of Miller Road, stated that he has many concerns about the <br />elimination of timeframes. Vllhile he agreed with extending the -day appeal timelines, he believes those <br />within grange bounty whp have rural developments represent a lame portion of the population, and <br />would see these open-ended timefremes as problems. Mr, Knight does not went to have time limits <br />eliminated, <br />Paul empa, 47 Crean Riley Road, made reference to Planning Board <br />Member Robert trayhorn's comments about keeping the process fordeveloping a minorsubdivision <br />separate from the one far major subdivisions. Mr. empa believes it is importantto leave the deter in <br />the ordinance. <br />Steve Yuhasz, 7~0 t. Mary's Road, ~s a lead surveyor and e~cpressed his <br />belief that elimination of tine limits is not a good idea and urged the Board of bounty Commissioners not <br />to do so. He stated that if all timeframes are eliminated, then accountability at the staff level is also <br />eliminated. Mr. Yuhasz Mated that knowing that there is an end to the process encourages people to go <br />into the process. If the ordinance is changed, there is no appeal of anything to the I~Ianning Board or the <br />Board of County commissioners. Mr. Yuhasz believes that to eliminate any kind of appeal process from <br />the ordinance is a mistake. Mr. Yuhasz also stated that it would be wrong to force urban rules on a rural <br />area, end that the only process changes between minor and major subdivisions is procedural. Mr. <br />Yuhasz also stated that there had been no suggestion that staff meet with developers before making <br />changes to the process, instead of making the developers perk of the changes that are proposed. Mr, <br />Yuhasz again stated the need for an appeal mechanism to be built into the system <br />Mark O'Neal, of Pickett Sprouse Real Estate, stated that he supporks the <br />timelines. Mr. O'Neal stated that in Durham County, North Carolina, there is a development review <br />board that meets once a week <br />John Hartwell, of Lawrence Road, stated that he does not like the proposal <br />because it is not good government in that there are safeguards built into the ordinance. If there is a need <br />to change a time, then specifically address that change. Mr. Hartwell stated that there was a Iogic that <br />led to the initial adoption of the -year concept plan. Mr. Hartwell stated he would like to see the abases <br />remedied, bit not by eliminating the timelines within the ordinance. <br />