Orange County NC Website
11 <br />with ~ "straw" sit of service boundaries, acc~mp~nied by ~ list of interrelated obj~~tives to b~ addressed, <br />In ~ ~~~, the elected and ~~pointed boards passed resolutions agreeing at different I~vels of detail with <br />the initial report, and charged the Tasl~ Force to continue meeting to work through the issues and service <br />boundaries. After almost five ~~} years, the Task Force is pleased to present the "final" version of the <br />Water and ewer lVlanagem~nt Planning and boundary Agreement. There is no financial irnpact at this <br />time. <br />The Task Force recommended Water and fewer Management, ~l~nning and boundary <br />Agreement is provided as an attachment to these minutes. <br />Manger Linlc recon~n~~nded that the ~o~rd receive the report for information only at this time. <br />E. <br />AD~JIJRNMEN7 <br />With no further items to be considered, the grange bounty Board of commissioners adjourned <br />their meeting. The next meeting a st~t~d on the regular rr~~~ting calendar is scheduled for August ~1, <br />19gg at 7:~ p.m. at the ov~rnment ervice inter in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Alice M~ pardon, chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, cleric <br />